What is the current address for the wt these days? Brooklyn or Patterson? thanks much.
Current address for the WT?
by carla 12 Replies latest jw friends
25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Thank You!
bite me
Are you planning on sending some real christian material over to them?
Open mind
If you're an old person who's ready to disown your flesh and blood and send it all to the Tower, then the Planned Giving address is in Patterson.
It's in one of the October Watchtowers.
Open Mind
Hardly! leave anything to the wt? I have a few ideas of things I would leave them but I don't think they would appreciate it. No, this is an entirely different kind of letter they will be getting.
bite me
A letter stating that you are going to resign as a follower of the false religion? :-)
P.O. box Bulls..t 4 U
(c/o send us your money and lifetimes)
Watchtowerheights, NY
area code 666
James Free
Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, C/O
Kingsboro Psychiatric Center
681 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203 -
I don't know what ther current address is, but how about this one:
1134 Give Me Your Money,
IAM GREEDY, Society 01914
Facisious I know, but, I don't like the, and am tired of hearing the particular brand of bulls**t.