You want everyone to stop using oil but do you eat meat?

by sammielee24 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anti-Christ

    I know, I know. I'm a butcher by trade and when I visited a slaughter house for the first time I became a vegetarian. The problem with some people, like me, is that they have a very hard time with not eating meat. When I was a wee lad, I was anemic and the doc prescribe bloody read meat, almost raw so I kind of get realy weak when I don't eat meat. I agree that as a race we humans eat way to much meat, well in the western countries that is.

  • WTWizard

    It's not the eating of meat per se that wastes energy and oil. When farmers use pesticides and hormones, that takes huge quantities of energy. Then you have huge companies like Monsanto that want farming to be even more energy intensive. They sell genetically tampered-with seeds that taint nearby farms (and then they have the audacity to sue the owners of those farms for "taking advantage of the technology").

    Eating organic has definite advantages. It usually takes less energy to grow organic crops, not to mention fewer pesticides (some drift in from environmental pollution) and hormones in your food. And the conditions the animals are raised in are generally better on truly organic farms (no antibiotics and hormones) than on regular farms. It still takes a lot of vegetation to raise the animals. But it is natural vegetation, not crap that is genetically modified and taking tons of oil to grow. Plus, you will be using less oil-based pharmaceuticals in the future if you eat organic foods now.

    I agree that fast "food" is not environmentally friendly. Most of it is genetically modified foods that use huge quantities of pesticides and hormones to produce. Then it travels all the way across the country, using still more oil. From there, they use crap ingredients like rape oil (canola, which is genetically modified and full of hidden trans-fats) and other inferior ingredients. Then, once you eat it, you are setting yourself up for more oil-based drugs in the future. All of which is going to harm the environment. Not to mention that, when you pee out the drugs, it adds permanent pollution to the environment (at least tobacco and weed are biodegradeable).

    This is one more thing the Witlesses do to ruin the Earth. They claim that God will ruin those ruining the Earth. Then they use tons of oil putting out their litter-ature and distributing it in field circus. And that's besides the Pioneer Diet of fast, good tasting poison every day for lunch. The plastic containers they use are rarely recycled (at home, I put them in the recycling bin). It all adds up.

    And, it's true that people eat too much meat. We eat too much for the amount of activity we do. But, that wouldn't be an issue if the meat was produced organically and processed with a minimum of chemicals. We know, however, that it isn't the case. Processed meat is what kills the environment (and your health). Sodium nitrites, monosodium glutamate (often disguised), and toxic fillers are common in ground beef, sausages, and hot dogs. If you are going to eat meat regularly, I recommend choosing organic meat. You will be doing that much less damage to the environment that way. You will also do your health some good, meaning fewer drugs in the future.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Yes I eat meat, and as long as I have canines I will. Although I hardly eat red meat anymore, I mostly eat salmon and chicken these days for protein. I love tuna, but I don't like all the stories about the heavy metals in tuna.

  • ush419

    Nol I don't want everyone to quit using oil, I want us to drill in anwar, off the coast of california and florida. And I don't eat animals as much as i would like to. Thank you very Much!@!!

  • misanthropic
    It takes 16 pounds of grain/grass etc to produce 1 pound of animal flesh which means that the biggest contributor to global warming isn't your car - it's animal produce. Now - we can scream about those gas guzzlers and the emissions they put out - but if we run out and buy ethanol or drive a Prius - then we sit down to a steak dinner or chow down on those burgers...then don't you think that its a little ridiculous? Whats the answer? Food mass produced for human consumption is causing major problems but we focus on the smaller issue of gas usage.

    What would we do if suddenly the price of all meats and poultry were to add a carbon tax on to them? That tax might double the price you pay for your food purchases everywhere which in turn would reduce the number of people eating in restaurants etc. Interesting thought. sammieswife.

    I see your point here but that's NOT why I bought my Prius hybrid. FWIW I wanted to save gas money in MY life and don't really think what I chose to do will affect anything either way for anyone else. I don't know what the solution is for the world problem. As far as what I would do if the meat and poultry price were to include a carbon tax- I guess I'd pay it.

  • PEC

    Did you know it uses more oil to recycle a plastic bottle than to make a new one? If you want to save the planet don't recycle that plastic bottle.


  • R.Crusoe

    Have you heard of ecofuel? Its a vegetarian fuel. But it involves destroying the environments of animals and rain forests to grow the crops that produce the oils so that developed nations can think they are driving in an eco friendly way. Same thing with soya milk v's cows farting fiasco! Surely we intelligent humans can do better - can't we?

  • Warlock

    I don't want to stop using oil.

    I want to control the spigot.


  • R.Crusoe

    I am vegetarian and I think I would like to live in a wood which is a contradiction because I may die of starvation.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Outlaw ----------this is for you.

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