From Lurker to Leech? (an odd expression of gratitude)

by inkling 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • inkling

    I was a lurker here for a few weeks before breaking keyboard silence,
    and the warmth and support I have received since has been remarkable.

    I feel my posts are carefully read, accurately understood, and
    thoughtfully responded to.

    The odd thing is that even though I feel I am now an active part of
    this community, I still feel a bit like a leech...

    This is because I start a post, get a dozen or so wonderful comments
    in reply, but very seldom do I reply to the replies; I don't turn it
    into a dialog, I simply put my question or mini essay out there, and
    wait for the critics to write their reviews.

    This is mostly because I feel that if I DO take the time to actually
    respond in any length IN TOPIC, it might never be read by anyone.

    I don't know how long an actual dialog can last before the thread gets
    swept on downstream and forgotten.

    If anyone wants to enlighten me on some social dynamics I am missing
    here, feel free.

    Regardless, I just want to let you all know just how much I appreciate
    YOU taking the time to post comments to my threads. You are so helpful
    and encouraging, and I do not take you for granted.

    Thank you, all.


  • blueviceroy

    When one is learning one is gaining strength to aid others , no shame in silence, more would benifit from this noble and pure pursuit.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Many seem to do it as you do. No problem. Others engage a thread actively. No problem either.

    Welcome and we are glad for your contributions in your way.


  • purplesofa

    i remember feeling that way

    dont worry

    you wont always feel that way


  • BizzyBee
    I don't know how long an actual dialog can last before the thread gets
    swept on downstream and forgotten.

    I'm betting that when you were being potty-trained you got upset by the solid evidence of your efforts being flushed, too.


  • oompa

    Maybe you are just a selfish a$$ scroll down

    LOL......glad you are here! what feels right

  • changeling

    Remember: you are not a witness anymore. You do not have to follow strict rules and protocol here.

    Sometimes I start a thread just to put an idea out there and comment very little on the responses.

    Other times I'm looking for the banter, the back and forth of ideas.

    Other times, I respond because I am particularly moved by someone else's post.

    Don't stress, just hang out with us and enjoy.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey there [inkling],

    You've already shown a great gift for writing and I keep an eye out for your posts (when I'm around that is).

    Which brings me to a couple of "tips" you may want to consider.

    1. If a thread is REALLY important to you and near and dear to your heart, you may want to give it a "bttt" on a different day just so some fresh eyes have a look at it and perhaps give some more feedback. (I did this myself on a thread about the ethics of whether or not to allow an unconscious Blood Card carrying JW spouse to have a blood transfusion.) On the other hand, as much as I hate to see my own Freudian Turd Threads circling the JWD toilet bowl, excessive "bttt"-ing is annoying, IMO.

    2. If you have the time and desire to do it, I think most people appreciate having their responses acknowledged. But it's also not a big deal if you don't. We've all got lives to live and we certainly can't "baby-sit" every thread we start.

    3. If you're "exemplary" for a year or so, the mods might even let you carry a microphone.

    Keep on posting my friend, in whatever way suits you best.

    I'm very glad you're here. (When you're here.)

    Open Mind

  • nvrgnbk

    Put it out there.

    Leave the rest up to the Universe.

    P.S.- I hate oompa

    for not posting more.

  • Maddie

    INKLING - More isn't always best. Just be yourself like you are being, that's all


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