I was a lurker here for a few weeks before breaking keyboard silence,
and the warmth and support I have received since has been remarkable.
I feel my posts are carefully read, accurately understood, and
thoughtfully responded to.
The odd thing is that even though I feel I am now an active part of
this community, I still feel a bit like a leech...
This is because I start a post, get a dozen or so wonderful comments
in reply, but very seldom do I reply to the replies; I don't turn it
into a dialog, I simply put my question or mini essay out there, and
wait for the critics to write their reviews.
This is mostly because I feel that if I DO take the time to actually
respond in any length IN TOPIC, it might never be read by anyone.
I don't know how long an actual dialog can last before the thread gets
swept on downstream and forgotten.
If anyone wants to enlighten me on some social dynamics I am missing
here, feel free.
Regardless, I just want to let you all know just how much I appreciate
YOU taking the time to post comments to my threads. You are so helpful
and encouraging, and I do not take you for granted.
Thank you, all.