This subscriber was threatened to have mailed to him, via United States Post Service, the deadly Anthrax bacteria. The threat was made by Forum Member R.Rodriguez of the United States. Mr.Rodriguez, I understand, is an active member in the watchtower religion. This raises the interesting question, Does the WTS supply Anthrax to its members to mail to people who disagree with its theology? Would this subscriber be over-reacting if he sent the F.B.I details of this threat? Details can be confirmed in the Reply bag of the posting, The Watchtower Society In The Zionist Conspiracy.
JW's---Source of ANTHRAX?
by FatJackMcCracken 13 Replies latest jw friends
Thomas Poole
Anthrax was one of the originators of the Magnificent Dawnest,
one of the seven members of the clap-trap group. He died mysteriously while demonstrating toilet cleaning for faithful pioneers in training.His wife, the only survivor, donated his body as a medium used in the group's, new advance form of ink processing. Some of that ink is now deteriorating.
Actually, I would say more, but I heard that a new ink processing method is coming forth in the next "New Things Learned."
HA-ha ha,your startin to get the idea Thomas,loosen up and be yourself.
The Golden Rule:The people with the gold, make the rule`s!
D wiltshire
When I get the Watchtower or Awake in the mail, the first thing I do is hold them up to my nose, and sniff really really hard and long, I just love the way the way the ink from God's Oranization smells.
So now they are putting spiritual food even in the INK.
This subscriber was threatened to have mailed to him, via United States Post Service, the deadly Anthrax bacteria. The threat was made by Forum Member R.Rodriguez of the United States.
I made no such claim, I was referring to the Heavy Metal rodck band ANTHRAX, I have some old CD's I'm trying to get rid of :) As far as the USPS next to my name. I work for the UNited States Postal Service as a Letter Carrier.
Mr.Rodriguez, I understand, is an active member in the watchtower religion. This raises the interesting question, Does the WTS supply Anthrax to its members to mail to people who disagree with its theology? Would this subscriber be over-reacting if he sent the F.B.I details of this threat? Details can be confirmed in the Reply bag of the posting, The Watchtower Society In The Zionist Conspiracy.
Darn it, I've been outed. Okay, time to come clean. Yes, I am a active Jehovah's Witness. In fact, I'm not just rank and file, I am a member of the Governing Body, and not just a member, I am the token Puerto Rican on the Governing body, I figured there;s gotta be at least Puerto Rican in heaven and his name has to be RODRIGUEZ.
And I haye to disappoint KrackerJackm, but I not a member of the Illuminati, I'm President and CEO of the Illuminati Hakuna Matata, Inc. And we do plan on taking over the world.
I am also Judge Rutherford's illegitimate grandson, thrice removed. We plan on building pyramid kingdom halls on every corner, all will come to worship us ... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!
I Still Believe .... -
Response to Mr.Rodriguez's disclaimer regarding an anthrax threat:-
I have never heard of a musical group called ANTHRAX. Does their music appeal only to brain-dead bozos?
Do you understand the signigicance of yelling "Fire" in a crowded theatre, or making a "Bomb" comment at the airport or onboard an aircraft? Would you tell the authorities,"Why---I was referring to a musical group called, "Fire", or "Bomb"?
You are either very immature and childish, or both, or you're a real source of genuine threat. I will let the Commonwealth Police of Australia make that determination.
Posted below is your original repy to my post. Can you see the subtle distinction between your denial and your threat? That distinction is profound enough for me to think that you're a genuine menace and a liar.
"Hey Krackhead, send me your address, I have some anthrax for you! RR
Letter Carrier USPS
I still believe " -
I have never heard of a musical group called ANTHRAX. Does their music appeal only to brain-dead bozos?
Well, I'm sorry you have no taste in musix, but ANTHRAX is a verifiable heavy metal rock band, with at least a dozen or so albums and CD's.If you went to any online music store, you would see that!
Do you understand the signigicance of yelling "Fire" in a crowded theatre, or making a "Bomb" comment at the airport or onboard an aircraft? Would you tell the authorities,"Why---I was referring to a musical group called, "Fire", or "Bomb"?
Apples and oranges, I guess if I saw my buddy jack on an airplane, I shoudn't say "hi" to him, eh?
You are either very immature and childish, or both, or you're a real source of genuine threat. I will let the Commonwealth Police of Australia make that determination.
Yes, I'm very dangerous, that's why they keep me in this padded room. You print this garbage about Watchtower illumnati's taking over the world, don't provide a shred of evidence, promote this conspiracy dung about who knows what and you have the nerve to say I'm immature and childish? Get real!!!!
Can you see the subtle distinction between your denial and your threat? That distinction is profound enough for me to think that you're a genuine menace and a liar.
Denial? I deny nothing, you misunderstood? Threat? I live with threats everyday, I work for the Post Office! Liar? I can show evidence to the contrary, so far you've shown us diddly!
You have a good day down under!
I Still Believe .... -
Response to RR:- I understand you to be saying that you're not denying that you made a terrorist threat. The mainline media here informs the public that anthrax is going through the US mail system; perhaps it's at the direction of some maniac that works for the USPS. Wouldn't be you, would it? I've given the authorities here facsimiles of your percieved threat to send anthrax here.
I'm sorry that you're a frightened little man. Too frightened to make an examination of the object of your worship, the WTS. The mechanism of dealing with any evidence that questions the integrity of your god is simple; angrily repudiate it all. Don't debate it, don't discuss it; simply label it "garbage", label it "pewk", label it anything you want, because labeling is a WTS mechanism--it makes one feel so good once the object which produces feelings of fear is negatively labelled. It makes not one iota of difference to me if you believe what I wrote or not. People are entitled to information, no matter how bizarre it may sound to another individual, and process it for themselves. This is precisely what the WTS tries to prevent and with the help of frightened little characters like you it mostly only manages to bully and intimidate the weak. -
*rolls eyes* This must be some kind of Jewish plot.
I you are wondering if the JWs can send anthrax out with their literature, just let me send you the magazines and you can find out post haste.