Open Mind
by Pubsinger 40 Replies latest jw friends
Open Mind
Congrats to the Kitten Family.
Hope he brings you lots of joy and laughter.
And hope you make a quick recovery from the delivery.
Much love
Sam and Paul (Sweatpea and Besty)
bttt just in case anyone missed it!
Thank you so much to everyone who has welcomed young Josef into the world.
Well done AuldSapere who appears to have won the bet - you will get your reward in heaven!!!!
Es - if there was one thing I could say to you in 4 months time - its that you will think you really think you cant get it out, but you can, it just bloody hurts! I begged for stronger drugs towards the end but my midwife knew I didnt really want them so I didnt get them! And in fairness it was only another 20 minutes from when I was really begging pathetically! Good luck.
Am going to try and attach a picture but my I.T. skills are not legendary!
Sweet pic,
Now I can't wait for my daughter to have her baby.!!!!
I love his name, I have a son named Joseph too!
CONGRATULATIONS KK- He is just beautiful!
Welcome to the world Josef Jack ! Your Mum's a great lady....
Congratulations Katie Kitten