Hating God?

by avidbiblereader 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was at my lowest point. (You can research my threads if you really want to know why.)

    I thought God came and took over the direction my life was heading towards. The men
    even said that God had a higher purpose in life for me. God supposedly had a "will" for me to do.

    Instead of serving God for nearly 2 decades (worse and longer for many others) I was tricked
    into a mind-control cult.

    Even if men did this to me, God did not intervene. Wait, there's more.

    I am mad at God for what happens to little children. God lets an organization act as if it
    is speaking for him while the children are misled, same as me.
    Some lose their lives on the blood issue.
    Some are told there aren't two witnesses, so "Don't tell anyone you are being molested.
    Go back home to Dad / Uncle Bill / Grandpa and just keep this quiet. You don't want to
    make God's organization look bad."
    Some miss out on "normal" stuff while growing up. Many need therapy eventually.
    Tons of them are shunned by parents / grandparents / best friends when they are at their
    most difficult stage in life- the teen years.

    God might have more important things to do than worry about the birthdays and the proms,
    the therapy and the shunning- BUT how can he let people who spoke in His name send
    little kids back to the molester because there aren't two witnesses? Couldn't God
    intervene and cause someone to take the child to the authorities, or just give the molester
    a heart attack? How could He let kids die over the blood issue because some men in
    Brooklyn say that God directed them?

    Further, how can God let some fat American cameramen film starving children in a warzone?

    How could God make Job feel better about allowing his 10 children to be killed over some
    bet he had with Satan, by simply letting the wife (who spurned him during the bet) just have
    more children?

    I could go on all day. It's personal, but it's also universal- my concerns against God.
    Why can't he just tell us what he wants? Why all the hidden truth?

  • Liberty

    If the God of the Bible were real I would hate Him. My detailed study of the Bible provided the evidence that He should be hated but it luckily also provided the evidence which makes my hate unnecessary, because God is clearly not real. For me, hating God is like hating Batman...it can't be done because Batman isn't real either. I can't hate, mock, or insult something that doesn't exist.

    I do my best to not mock, insult, or hate believers because in my brainwashed ignorance I was once a believer too. I will not be silent about what I have discovered, however, because I want others to know the new peace and calmness that I now feel because I know there is no intelligence behind the chaos and cruelty in the universe.

  • Awakened07

    Most of the posts I think you are referring to, are not displays of hate of God - I suspect most of the people you've seen write negative posts about God do not believe he exists.

    What you have read, are people asking rational questions about how God is portrayed in the Bible, and/or how he is currently acting (or not acting). Sometimes it's about how JWs portray him, but other times the two coincide, and that's when believers of all 'factions' come out and feel their God is trampled on.

    I have written negative posts about God myself, but that doesn't mean I hate God, or Jesus, or any biblical character for that matter. Usually I ask because 1) there are people still in JWs that lurk here, and I want to "shake them up" to make them think, and 2) there are active posters here who believe in the biblical God and I feel they should therefore be able to answer rational, normal questions about him.

    I don't hate God at all. Currently I don't believe he's even there, but if he turns up, I feel he needs to answer some of my questions, rather than he questioning me. Is that too presumptuous? Abraham, Moses, Job and others questioned God according to the Bible - made him change his mind on a few occasions, even. I have questions I want answered, but only get wishy washy answers to (or downright insane answers to on occasion). That kinda has the ability to make one a little irate.

    I have no need or want to ridicule or trample on or hate your God. But I am sometimes critical of people's beliefs.

  • zack

    When I post about God it is usually in response to the PORTAYAL OF GOD either in the Bible or the pages of WTS literature. I mock, not God, but

    those who believe that only they are His exculsive agents and either explicitly or implicitly lay claim to some special knowledge.

    I don't put God in a box. Religionists do.

  • Liberty

    Brother Apostate does not understand science. This is not an insult just a fact. Science cannot be compared to religion. Science is based upon the never ending search for evidence in order to get at the truth. This evidence supercedes all belief and scienctific truths are changed based upon the evidence. Religion has a set of concepts which remain untouched by evidence and claims it does not need to search for truth because this truth has already been revealed. Science and religion are complete opposits.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate does not understand science. This is not an insult just a fact. Science cannot be compared to religion. Science is based upon the never ending search for evidence in order to get at the truth. This evidence supercedes all belief and scienctific truths are changed based upon the evidence. Religion has a set of concepts which remain untouched by evidence and claims it does not need to search for truth because this truth has already been revealed. Science and religion are complete opposits.

    Liberty is a liar. This is not an insult just a fact. Science can, and will, be compared to religion. Science is simply looking at "evidence", and coming to conclusion(s) based on that evidence. It's just like detective work. Bad detective work has been responsible for many people being sentenced to death such that they have lost their lives. Bad science has done, and will continue to result in the same. Here's the problem and the similarity- bad religion, bad science, and bad detective work are only apparent after they have been exposed as bad. The search for truth takes many paths, science and religion are but two of those paths. BA- Setting things straight.
  • nvrgnbk

    I thinks perhaps such mockery is being taken too literally.

    I say what I do about Jehovah because I have truly bet my life on the supposition that He's not real.

    I previously had bet my life on the supposition that He was real.

    Nonetheless, His worshippers continue to learn hatred and intolerance from Him, so He is influencing people, even as a fictional character.

    So yes, Jehovah the Absent is deserving of mockery.

    But so is Allah.

    And so are all of the other gods that haven't shown up or done anything for thousands of years.

  • bluesapphire

    I don't hate god. I hate what people have made up about god. And I DETEST what organizations have done in the name of god!

    What some might term "ridicule" others might just term "irreverence."

    I don't personally care one way or another if someone believes in god. But I'm entitled to my opinion. If it bothers you to talk to someone who is not reverent for what they believe to be myths, then why bother joining in to the conversation?

    I think anyone who joins in needs to suck it up and take it like a man!

  • fifi40

    BA........whats with all the self praising titles you give to yourself..........from my previous experience with the bible and my take on christianity I would expect christians to be humble........certainly not arrogant......it does little to draw people to your type of religion, which surely if you are sure of, you would wish to do.

    Fi. Confused by what you claim to be and how you come over

  • nvrgnbk

    Besides, soon all of us blasphemers will be a pile of rotting flesh and then get to burn in hell.

    So it's all good, right?

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