I'm struggling to understand the USA no candy at assemblies thing!?

by jambon1 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    As I read it on your posts, it seems that at your assemblies there were candy machines which you were somehow forbiden to use.

    Am I right?

    Of so, why? It just seems ridiculous to me!

    Why, oh why could you not get a bit chocolate from a machine? Did anyone just do it anyway?

    Can anyone shed light on this bizarre situation?

  • lovelylil

    Yes I can. It is because the majority of the $$$ for the WT comes from the rich United States. So here, we are not allowed to spend our $$$ on things such as candy, donuts, coffee etc. at the vendors because the WT wants the $$$ put into boxes at the assemblies and conventions.

    Of course the WT will not tell anyone that straight out, because then all will know they are just a huge $$$ making printing company and not the true Religion. So, instead they tell the jdubs here that the FDS has spent much time preparing the junk food at the proper time and they should be in their seats at all times to eat it and thus it is a sin to stand in line at a vendor.

    But those of us who finally wake up and get a clue realize every rule they make is just a pure manipulation tactic to somehow put more $$$ in their boxes!


  • RisingEagle

    In the place that we held ca's and dc's they had an underground parking area that had soda and candy machines. I remember being sent down to get my mom a real coke (not that carppy shasta cola or lemon-lime) and no one, that I know of, said anything about it.

    Of course, I could easily see an announcement being made that the failing and decrepit snakes had made the loving provision of making shasta available to the brothers, so why give your money to the worldly owners of the machines in the garage? Besides, why would one need a snickers or a mars bar when you had frozen pudding (SAVE YOUR SPOON!) and past-ripe cherries to enjoy? I wonder if they ever made one?


  • BIG D
    BIG D

    good ole shasta, and sandwiches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh the days, i would always go o ut to eat lunch, and come back late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    big d

  • bite me
    bite me

    Shasta.. errr.. no ! Real Coke baby!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    At our Convention NO Mc Donald's....thousands of brothers ignored that rule including me.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am going to explain this. It's all very legal and beaurocratic at the same time.

    WTS negotiates for the use of stadiums for the District Conventions.
    When a circus or a Boxing Match or whatever negotiates, the Stadium says,
    "We have food and drink service for all of the events here. People depend on
    selling their coke / peanuts / hotdogs at whatever events we have here. We
    have contracts that promise them that right."

    WTS says, "Our people bring their own stuff."
    Stadium says, "We still want to offer them ours, it's a contractual thing.
    We will open the foodstands, but refrain from sending vendors through the

    WTS says, "No, we don't want that. Our people wouldn't use the foodstands."

    Truth-be-told, they would use the foodstands. WTS tells it's own people that
    this would be a worldly influence. In reality, the foodstands would be a great
    distraction from the talks. People might enjoy getting a snowcone and a hotdog.
    They would also spend the money at the foodstand instead of the contribution box.

    The stadium reluctantly agrees, but notices that the JW's bought sodas and candy
    from the vending machine. It was empty everyday. Next year, the same negotiations
    take place. The stadium disagrees with WTS that the JW's would not use the
    foodstands, citing the machines as proof.

    WTS can't let them get a foot in the door. "We had best just put a man at every
    vending machine and tell the friends that it's not for our use. Otherwise, this will be
    the last year we can convince the stadium to keep the foodstands closed."

  • jambon1


    Thanks. I can see how it works.

    Worldly influence? I remember being at one of my last conventions & enjoying a chat with one of the attendants. Turns out this brother was put away for being a paedo 2 years later for crimes he had comitted years ago.

    Still, the brother said all the right things at the time & kept the chat 'spiritual'.

    What a joke!

  • AnneB

    People might have been more cooperative if WT had served something other than generic brands. Penny wise and pound foolish?

  • R.F.

    good ole shasta, and sandwiches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bringing, *twitch*.........back.......*twitch twitch*.......memories......

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