Ditto. What a scam.
KM 2005- Society discourages brothers from donating to Tsunami victims $$$$
by Witness 007 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
whether the needs of our brothers have been cared for locally or not.
I never, ever heard of any money from the WTS being used to help a needy brother/ sister/widow on a local level. They expect the KH to do that. So just what do they mean by "needs of our brothers"? I guess the brothers need a Governing body to give them "meat in due season" and the GB needs its needs taken care of to do that!
The Oracle
That one makes me literally sick.
How can such a twisted organization be permitted to pull the wool over so many innocent peoples eyes?
The Oracle
This is the most fxxxed up priority structure I have ever seen in my life. They don't give a damn about people living where the tsunami hit. But, instead they want to use the money to protect pedophiles within the organization and to get sites off the Internet that expose the Watchtower Society.
Coded Logic
The money is used for "advancing the needs of the spiritual brothers."
Like what, paying off pedophile cases? Building Bethel 2.0? Hiring an outside marketing firm to rebrand the WT?
I hope no one sent them relief money thinking it would actually be used for humanitarian aid.
They really are scum of the earth aren't they?!!!!! Also proof they aren't just delusional but con artists. Remember Katrina, no proof the Borg spent one dime to help. -
What an eye opener, I must have missed that KM. -
O.K. That picture is priceless.