Childhood fears

by beksbks 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    Hey Leo...

    I was 8 when "1975" came out. We had a calendar (WT) that had a nice picture of the earth opening up and swallowing the stick weilding criminals. It hung on the wall of my bedroom. (visions of sugar plum fairies it wasnt'), Weeegeee boards, oh my (fonetic spelling, LOL)

    Childhood fears? Not here.

  • Leolaia

    I wonder if any copies of that calendar have survived? That would be something to see.

  • watson

    Provided by the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Something which I only made the connection with not long ago. I was scared of church organ music - in fact every time I went to church I'd bawl my eyes out at almost every hymn!

    Where I used to live when I was very little (under age 5), to get to the shops or the doctor's, we took a shortcut along a narrow footpath which cut straight through the middle of an electricity substation (yup you read that right!). My mum would say 'don't put your hand through the fence or you'll get electrocuted' so I used to walk dead centre of this narrow path scared out of my wits.

    All the electricity thingies - I don't know what they're called - well they looked like giant radiators to me (maybe capacitors?) - and they hummed constantly - in fact they sounded just like a church organ.

  • serendipity

    Snakes (still not over that one)
    Vampires - thankfully we weren't JWs yet, so I wore my cross to bed to protect me. I guess if I had been afraid of vampires after becoming a JW, I would have slept with garlic. ;-)
    My parents, when they were angry

  • jaguarbass

    When I was a child I had a fear that a manic tyranical God was going to have a hissy fit and destroy everybody and the wactower gave me pictures in a book of people being swallowed by the earth and clinging to a raft in a flood.

    I'm pretty much over those fears.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Sinning against the Holy Spirit.

    Didn't really lose that one until fairly late in life.

    Open Mind

  • momzcrazy



    helicopters (Armageddon was coming)

    heights-not over that one

    snakes-not over that one


  • BizzyBee
    I would lay there in bed as still as I could be, sweating,
    Don't let the bedbugs bite.

    I have it on good authority that bedbugs are mightily attracted to sweat.

  • beksbks
    I have it on good authority that bedbugs are mightily attracted to sweat.

    You stop scaring me!!

    I'll never forget one time a little neighbor friend, (why I was allowed to have her over I don't know) came over and for some reason she took off her St. Christopher medal. She forgot to take it with her, and that night of course the demon activity in my room was doubled, and I just knew it was that darn thing. But I was too afraid to move to get it out of there!

    Oh and inclines. I remember being out in service when I was about 6, and having my "good" shoes on which were kinda slippery on the bottom. I was so scared to walk up the sloped driveways, that I crawled :-(

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