Are There Certain Types of People That You Try To Avoid Here & Elsewhere?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Yeah , Minimus, it does suck, but if we look out for one another and are alert to situations hopefully those situations can be avoided or minimized , it is a board to recieve help, not hurt ! Most people realize that, but occasionally odd ducks might creep in. Just gotta be careful ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • BFD

    I tend to avoid posters who come here to start trouble or just never have anything positive to say. I admit though sometimes, just like when I pass a bad car wreck, I have to look.

    MrsJones, I hear ya.


  • R.Crusoe

    Much of what Tyrone said! I like to say what I think and see if I'm dumb or smart from the response I get. I can take a good point and discuss it or an education in something I need updating on. Maybe years of following makes me do this to make up for lost time. Pussyfooting leaves me knowing what I already knew and I love being intellectually stimulated whether on a topic I know about or by someone knowing I need a lesson! And I apologize to those who hate a 'steam off' but most days the keyboard is my only friend!

  • Hortensia

    Well, after all those years in the WTS, I don't want to read debates about scripture or the GB or that kind of thing. And I avoid people who always have some drama going on in their lives, although I've had some in mine too. I like funny, witty, sarcastic, smartass...but not just mean and nasty.


    I like ElseWhere..We never avoid one another.......LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Oh good, nobody mentioned me!

    Cog ( of the witty, sarcastic, but never mean and nasty, and always positive type who tries to live drama-free and doesn't try to attach themselves to people who haven't invited me to have a close relationship with them)

    ps I feel so loved!

  • blueviceroy

    I avoid self loving a-holes that cant see anything except the reflection of themselves in every aspect of creation .

    So mostly I keep to my self LOL!

    I really avoid nothing or anyone , why censor yourself from dissent ?

    Learning from a jerk can sometimes be possible and it always allows me to exersize my patients. You know I'm really up past my bedtime.

  • lfcviking
    I stay away from extremely negative types.

    I do aswell, not because i'm snobby but because i end up getting depressed by listening to all their negative talk.

    I try to avoid people who talk persisitant bullshit aswell. There is no need for a constant stream of lies, fantasies & generally being unreal just to try and impress you or to try and convince themselves their something their not.

    And of course people who are just plain hostile or antisocial.


  • dinah

    Mean people are the main ones I stay away from. Also, people who look for conspiracy everywhere. The world is scary enough without looking for stuff to worry about.

    JW trolls who come in just to make us mad. It's a shame I let those kind of people push my buttons. They just argue what they are programmed to argue, with no logic to back it up.

    On the flip side, people with a sense of humor (even dark humor is great) and compassion for other people are the ones I try to make friends with.

  • MsMcDucket

    I've been avoiding your posts. They tend to cause polarization and hatred amongst the group. So, I just walk away from them now.

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