I've been wanting to post this for awhile, but didn't.
I said something about a year ago in regards to Dawkins that I have to retract. I had made a comment re him which was just rude and made more likely out of being scared or possibly just plain ignorance. Can't find it, but it's quite possible that some might recall it.
Dawkins is actually so intelligent and funny and deserves kudos for saying it like it is.
About 3 months ago I started searching for it in my library and they had one copy which was ruined, so they finally got a new one in and I was able to check it out.
Anyhow, it's an incredible book. And after the first couple of chapters I had to start thinking about some of the things I've said re atheism and atheists.
I'm not sure how to put it, other than just to say I'm sorry for being such a closeminded twit about things and for talking about something I really had no business talking about, making an opinion without really knowing what I was making an opinion about.
I've tried to spend some time here reading more than talking. Going back to old posts from long time posters and have learned alot.
So I am really sorry just for ya know being a butthead.
Great book and I really recommend it to everyone regardless of religious persuasion. Even if you come away with a belief, one gets a better understanding of atheists and atheism and their views.