some here have said that as a matter of course, they choose to remain celibate, singleness the better course and all that.
now that some of these have left the troff, they have still remained so, and now many of those are in their 30s, please i am not dissing you , so dont pm me, ok?
i wonder as i am a guy, how much different my life would be, if i was still a virgin, wouldnt it create a huge sexual hangup problem for those ones.. that are ....i mean expectations not met for example , when it finally did happen, the worries that, as if being a dub and those problems werent enough, well, some have said, they put it off out of instilled fear of it now. maybe it creates a issue about sex so big that , they stay celibate even now.
relationship problems of intimacy, or maybe latching on to the first sexual partner, like we all did in the 9 th grade?
big d