OK Boys..I need you!

by momzcrazy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • momzcrazy

    I'm going to bed and leaving my problem in your capable manly hands. I need help getting my hubby a Xmas present. Our first ever!!!

    A little info: he's an avid deer hunter, proud gun carrier, Harley rider, manly man. And he likes Country and Rock.

    OK, gonna have some Crown on ice and go to bed. I know you won't disappoint me-I'm happy so far!


  • blueviceroy

    A nice pair of custom guantlets for his hands on those cold bike rides.

  • nvrgnbk

    The new Eagles CD?

  • *summer*

    A GPS?

  • Brother Apostate
  • erynw

    Pitch out unplug those toys you described on another thread, dress up as naughty Mrs. Claus, wait under the tree.

    You know I love you more than my luggage.

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    finish my story and put him in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    big d

  • BFD

    Momz, today was opening day for deer season here. I had a couple hiding in my yard because the hunters run them out of the woods. I'd of shot them but I don't like venison and besides we can't shoot guns within city limits.

    If you have a Cabela's there you could always give him a gift certificate. Or if that seems to impersonal go to the store and ask someone there to help you out. I'm sure you'll find something there, that store has everything.



  • Mincan

    Get him a Luger from the First World War.

    Or a Springfield 1905 with a scope.

  • momzcrazy

    Well, my son killed the going to bed idea..

    I like the ideas:

    anyone who suggested a gun purchase, I am not allowed to buy guns here. Some silly thing about parole violations blah blah blah. But he has a .40, 9 mm, and .357, in addition to several rifles, so he's good there.

    Big D: OK, now what?

    eryn: I never use my whatevers without hubby. Too much work!

    BFD: no Cabela's ( I love them! ) but we have a BIG Bass Pro. Thinking.

    mincan: where in the world would I get one of those?

    blueviceroy: where would I go to get custom gauntlets? Great idea.

    summer: got GPS, he runs a celebrity bus company. Thanks tho'!

    Nvr: Eagles CD for momma- I like it!

    Keep 'em coming!! Thanks!


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