After finding out the truth about Noah’s Flood (and many other things), there seemed little point in actively pursuing the Witness lifestyle. One thing we were finally able to do was openly celebrate our son’s birthday. We had celebrated his first birthday, but we did so secretly. His second birthday was a different story, however. We invited our non-Witness relatives and bought our son a cake and presents. We had a great time.
We also posted the photos from that day on the worldwide web. It was only a matter of time, then, until a Witness found the objectionable photos and alerted the elders as to our ‘sin’. In August 2007, an elder from the local congregation called me (I am unsure how he had my number, as I had changed my number after leaving the congregation).
The bible tells of many instances of religious leaders condemning the common people for breaking silly rules. Since the bible writers felt compelled to record the details of these conversations, I figured it behooved me to record our conversations as well.
You can listen to the conversations here:click me
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I Come Bearing Gifts! Part 2 of 3
by Shepherd Book 11 Replies latest jw experiences
Shepherd Book
Having been a jw for 42 years and firmly walking away from the org five years ago, I find this sounds like something out of a science fiction movie now.
Step up to the plate, confident and unafraid, and stop apologizing for possibly "offending" someone. Move on and beyond and just tell the guy to go F*%#! a rolling doughnut. You only live once. Make it YOUR life. Live by your rules, not theirs.
"Happy Birthday" to your precious son and may you celebrate many more, without any guilt or fear, regardless of what mere jw men may think.
Happy birthday
I just read all of the letters. I can't believe how long it takes them to write back after each one. Amazing.
Thank you for sharing.
I love how you ask them for sources and they give you Watchtower and Awake articles.
Can't wait for part 3 installment.
I read all of part 1 and listened to all of part 2.
You were a
real pain in the athorn in their sides with your Noah's ark revelations. I thought it was so excellent!It must have taken quite a few committee meetings to be able to produce those comeback letters to you. Finally realizing that you stumped the panel, all they could offer were those 6th grade level magazines. So lame. Basically, their answer was no answer.
Your writings on the ark are quite an accomplishment. You certainly put a lot of time and thought and effort into it. It's worthy of submission---I think you should try to have it published.
In the meantime......waiting with bated breath for part 3.
Will you be allowed legal counsel at your JC? Will you be DF'd in absentia? What happens next?
Shepherd Book
Thanks everyone! B_Deserter: Thanks for putting it so succinctly. Yes, the only attachments they included with their letters were WTower and Awake articles. tula: As to my judicial hearing, I have not heard back since sending the letter. My guess is that they have just dropped the matter. If the did DF me or my wife, no one in the congregation seems to care, as I have bumped into several of them in the neighborhood and at local stores and they are very friendly to me (e.g., ask me about my son, say they miss me, stuff like that). I would like to have the information published, although I have absolutely no idea how to go about doing that. The one publishing company I was familiar with is not likely to publish my stuff (ha!). I am currently trying to get my entire life as a JW and the research I did down on paper. So far the book is 400 pages long.
As for the witness who discovered the photos of your son's birthday celebration ... what were they doing on the evil internet anyway? They certainly should've been counseled for such conduct!
Excellent! especially for a non jw to understand about the birthday thing. I have told people about that but they hardly believe it, now I can send them to the youtube. Thanks. Sorry for the problems though.
My, my, you must have made some men at Patterson sweat. They must have gotten together after a day of reading your last letter to have a stiff drink!!!! No wonder they have not responded to it.......
If any religious organization wants to belief in a worldwide flood, they really can just say, "It's in the Bible." They do not need to resort to quotes from a man who wrote in the 1700's. If one uses a reference, use it correctly or not at all.
I am sure that I do not really know what to think about the flood. It seems that men were on this planet longer than 6,000 years, as evidence of neanderthals suggests. Not to mention that dinosaurs obviously existed millions of years ago, although the WTS says that all life began merely tens of thousands of years ago.
I remember the Awake article on dinosaurs a few years ago, in which they acknowledged the existense of these creatures, but went no further. The article was a dissapointment.
Why can't they ever admit there are things they don't know?