The downside of no longer being a JW

by Quandry 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo

    no friends

    nothing to talk about with family

    no sports

    no bbqs

    no visitors

    no sense of worth

    no public speaking

    no weddings

    no holidays

    no hope

    nothing to get up for

    no quiz nights

    no cong outings

    no confidence

    no-one to ask for help decorating , moving, car repairs, etc etc

    no belief

    no interest in anyone or anything

    yeah lifes a blast ...and still you don't die

  • Quandry


    Please know that my post was an attempt at humor. We all get depressed from time to time and I am sorry I made you think about depressing things.

    At least now you CAN enjoy sporting events, and go where you want. You do not HAVE to buy expensive suits and spend hours of your time at meetings.

    I do know that for those who have lost family and are shunned it is tough. Our family went through two years of not wanting to live due to the heartless treatment of five men to my daughter.

    I find that humor helps heal. I have decided that I am going to enjoy my life-or what I have left after giving more than thirty years of it to the WTS and having no retirement and no education. I refuse to let them win.....

    We are all worthwhile people....We all have much to offer. Please dwell on some positives. You are important to us here.....

  • tijkmo
    you CAN enjoy sporting events, and go where you want.

    indeed i can...and i do...alone alone sick of being alone

    You do not HAVE to buy expensive suits

    i have lots of expensive suits (and i recently sent a dozen to bethel) and i never get to wear them. never get to dress up for anything special.

    and spend hours of your time at meetings.

    i loved the meetings, and fs, and assemblies, and quick builds and everything else. i loved it and i miss it..the fact that i don't believe it means i can't go back.

    sorry for raining on ya humourous parade,, i shall go to bed now.

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