“Is the glass half full, or half empty?
It depends on whether you're pouring, or drinking.” -Bill Cosby
It also depends upon what's going on in your mind when you're looking at it. If you're really thirsty...this isn't enough.
What many don't see is the love and support that goes on in this forum behind the scenes. A kind word of encouragement or a listening ear.
Over the years, whether they know it or not, many here have done much to aid in my recovery. I in turn have given my heart and understanding to those who needed it.
We are all different. We all have different family situations, different jobs, different strengths, and different weaknesses. Despite all these differences, we have or will go through the same stages of recovery from leaving the Watchtower.
We all heal at different rates. Some, like me take a LONG time to recover.
Forums like this offer a BUFFET of healing. Of course, you're not gonna like everything that's served. But, you pick up what you need and come back for more.
I've left and come back, and left and come back...picking up something new every time.
One thing I know for sure...is there is always LOVE to be found. That dish is never empty.