growing up native american

by BIG D 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • marmot

    I don't know if it merits its own thread, but it shows you how little there is separating us from chaos. Ethnic rivalries and nationalism are poisonous, which is why I don't like to get too wrapped up in Native causes myself.

    Think about Bosnia, where people were celebrating the winter Olympics in 1984 and ten years later were slaughtering each other in the streets because they were from a different ethnic background.

    1990 boils down to an ill-advised golf course expansion that would have bulldozed a historic cemetery and pine tree grove on our sister reserve 40 minutes west of here. The land is a legal minefield because our sister community was never classified as a "reserve" by the government so the ownership of the land was in question. Some protesters erected barricades to stop the developers and the provincial police force, in an equally ill-advised move, tried to storm the lines. They weren't counting on the military experience of some of the protesters who went home and brought guns. A shootout ensued, a policeman died.

    Like-minded men on my reserve set up a blockade on one of the main bridges into Montreal as a show of solidarity and the province appealed to the federal government to bring in the army. The standoff lasted 72 days.

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    a historic cemetery and pine tree grove

    A pine tree grove, is a shame, and a golf course is sure not a good reason to bulldoze. But ANY cemetery??? NO WaY!! I can't believe that any people or group could even consider this. There is no way, I would let them play golf over grandmas grave, or I don't think I would want her grave moved. Maybe from New Orleans, or something like that. Not a golf course.

    But.. I just asked my husband, he told me, that if somebody offered the right price, to sell him.

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