There's a pedophile in our hall I aint going back, i've had enough. why wont the elders disfellowship him, or tell him he aint welcome anymore?
Pedophile in the hall
by martinwellborne 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Because they don't care about the safety of young children.
Might be helpful for you to look at this website:
You'll find your answer there, I think.
Because birds of a feather, flock together. There was a pedophile in each of the halls I attended...going back to the 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's. I stopped then. It's of no surprise that they are still there. They are kind of like cockroaches...if you see one...there are a whole bunch more of them in the KH.
You see, the JWs have a "2 witness rule". Unless the child and someone else saw the abuse happen, it is against Jehovah's word to report the pedophile to the police. If your state has a required reporting, then the elders may report it. But then again, they may not. To report the pedophile, would be to bring reproach on Jehovah's perfect organization.
This policy creates a pedophile's paradise. But, a hell to those who grew up as a witness. Yes, go to silentlambs .
Pride. They do not report, due to Pride.
Have you reported him to the authorties?
Have you reported him to the authorties?
There was a pedophile in my old hall- he'd been in and out of jail for molesting his kids and then all of his grandkids as well. Never got more than a slap on the wrist though- I think the most he served was a consecutive 6 month sentence.
What makes me sick is- aren't known pedophiles not supposed to be able to go within a certain area of children and wouldn't this include places of worship- does anyone know the law on this? -
Welcome to the real world martinwellborne!
Glad to have you here. Sad to know what is going on in you KH.
Still a JW?
choosing life
Do you have children, Martin? Make sure you protect them if you do. I remember at one district convention, a little girl was molested. They brought her to first aid where I was working. I thought they should have made an announcement to warn all parents what had happened so they would be extra careful with their children.
Nope. They hushed it up quickly, no warning or concern for other children.
Some of us had the molester at home ... and were left unprotected. Good for you for not going back, but if you have knowledge of this you are obligated to contact the authorities. It is the only decent thing to do. Trust me, there will be no decency amongst the ranks. Please stand up for those with no voices.
The elders won't do anything because like the watchtower society they are trying to save face towards it's own rank and file members of the witness church and keep a false impression to others outside of the witnesses. But if you know someones child is being abused by this pedophile, please report it and him to the police and authorities immediately. Good luck, Peace out and welcome to the board my friend, Mr. Flipper