Well, we had our radio show on Sunday with the Jehovah's Witnesses and I don't think it went all that well, namely because it turned into a game of rhetoric. (If you listened, I would love to hear your thoughts).
2 Tim 2 :14 says- Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about *words*; it is of no value,
and only ruins those who listen.
and also
1 Tim 6:4 says- he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about *words* that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil...
The guest representing the Dub's was Greg Stafford, the man who has written the book 'Defending the Jehovah's Witnesses'. Our goal was to get the JW's to admit that using John 17:3 where Jesus says the Father is the 'only true God' meant that Jesus being 'a god' in their NWT made them polytheists, or, having to say that Jesus is a false god. The discussion started by Greg saying that they believed Jesus was not God in an ontological sense, but rather that he held attributes that made him like God, or as a god. I knew right away that the discussion would be a battle over semantics, since that is all that the JW's are left with to make their teachings fit scripture. Clay, the host, went on to reveal the obvious, that if Jehovah is the only true God, then by definition all others gods must be false. Long story short, Greg pulled a trick that Clinton used during the Monica Lewinsky trials and put emphasis on what the word 'true' really means. Clay quoted the definition from Websters dictionary which states 'Consistent with fact or reality; not false or erroneous'. Greg went on to say that English was irrelevant and we all kind of rolled our eyes after that. The rest of the debate was spent asking Greg to give an example of anything that was 'the only true' blank that did not make everything else it that category false. The conversation continued with babblings about Greek and how there are different definitions for the word true, like you can just pick what fits you best. (Hmm, let me take definition 3b from this word and 2a from that word, etc) For those who listened I would like to hear your views, and if you didn't hear it, we are going to play clips next week and discuss what went on. Although the men were very polite, and dressed to kill, they are so badly decieved and I cry out to God in my heart for their souls.
Mohammed- 'My teachings lead to the attainment of truth'
Buddha- 'The truth has been revealed to me'
Jesus- 'I am the truth'