There were a number of them, besides the ever-escalating demands on field circus. For one, there was the one elder that was somewhat nice. He had some children including one that was born early 1990, and who was much above normal in intelligence. The result is that this baby was much more into things than normal, and I would take advantage of the opportunity to watch this child. Instead of being strict and having them sit still or stand still, I would allow this natural drive to explore be satisfied. (For privacy, just in case one of the current hounders sees this, I refuse to divulge the names or genders of the children involved). No sexual activity was involved, and this was in full view of anyone in the congregation.
This went on a short time, before the lead hounder made a string of rules. Anything I was doing to this child and the siblings to make the boasting sessions a bit less boring was censored, from bringing in candies to the ink pens. Before long, the other hounders drove this father out of the congregation and reproved him behind his back for something totally specious. Then they made sure I would never find the occasion to do anything like that again (I guess to them entertaining children is worse than molesting them sexually).
The other major one, the one that led to my turning apostate, was when the April 1, 1995 Puketower study article came out. This had the story that Satan was responsible for rejection by the opposite sex, and was using that to slow me down (why he would have done that, when getting me to do fornication would have done the same thing much faster). Following this, they actually arranged for it to happen at the next series of a$$emblies. It led to my being told to just meet other men, which in turn led me to go apostate in the way that would waste as much of their time and resources as possible. If only I would have had a printout of WT Comments "Comments You Will Not Hear at the Watchtower Study" that fit that article handy so they would have heard them, both at the boasting session itself and after the a$$emblies involved.
Needless to say, they are going to have major trouble getting me to another a$$embly, let alone to donate another penny to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund boxes therein.