I wonder if this will be the new trend to save money
by IWillBeDubbedNoMore 14 Replies latest jw friends
I wonder if this will be the new trend to save money
Quote of the day:
"we do not want to lose the intimate touch ... with sheep." ~ J.R. Brown, WTS Spokesman
this is a growing epidemic or a shrinking one depending on how you look at it, the kingdom halls are worth money, the congregations are getting smaller and the dubs are none the wiser and believe it somehow indicates the end of the system is nearer than ever...spooky.
"we do not want to lose the intimate touch ... with sheep." ~ J.R. Brown, WTS Spokesman
There is so little shepherding done this statement is an absolute lie.
Seriously, though, I get the distinct feeling that these six KHs are likely older and maybe even owned outright by the congregations.
They'll (a) sell property that they own (where there are lower financial obligations to the WTS), then (b) donate the proceeds toward the purchase of this larger site under the terms of the KH Building Fund agreements (ie, the WTS swallows up their money), and then (c) be indebted to the WTS in perpetuity, in effect becoming "tenants" instead of owners.
I wonder if any non-JW lawyer has ever had a look at the contract a congregation enters into when they sign up to Benefit™ from the KH Building Fund's generosity.
"we do not want to lose the intimate touch ... with sheep." ~ J.R. Brown, WTS SpokesmanThere is so little shepherding done this statement is an absolute lie.
In the "spiritual shepherding" sense that you imply, you are absolutely correct. However, J.R. Brown has proved over the years that his main interest lies in screwing Sheep™, so in reality, he's not far from the truth at all.
I sent an email to the reporter:
Dear Ms. Gadoua,
I enjoyed reading your article, "Jehovah's Witnesses to share city site" dated Nov. 19. It reminded me of a story about Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's. At one of his company meetings one time he asked his managers, "What business are we in?" The answers varied; "hamburgers," "nutrition," "customer service." None of these were what Ray had in mind. "We are in the REAL ESTATE business," he told them.
So it is with the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, the legal entity that tells Jehovah's Witnesses what to believe and where to go for their five meetings each week. The Watchtower is in the REAL ESTATE business. Did you know that the WTB&TS in Brooklyn owns all of the Kingdom Halls? The local congregation gets to pay for the property, but the deed goes to Brooklyn.
In this case, they are converting 5/6 (more than 80%, assuming equal values) of their local property holdings into CASH. Why do they need CASH? To settle the mounting pile of pedophile lawsuits against the organization.
Some JWs will tell you that the Watchtower is in the "Salvation" business, or the "Redemption" business, or the "Righteousness" business, or the "Preaching" business. but that is just a thin veneer over their real business, which isn't hamburgers.
Each year, the WTB&TS in Brooklyn takes in almost one Billion dollars.
Thank you for your time.
Fantastic email!
So they are going to make these poor people drive further to attend their meetings, gas prices are so high, and just imagine if your meeting is at 7:30pm you get off work at 5pm and takes you an extra 30 minutes to drive to some new location, that gives you about 2 hours to drive home from work, eat, shower, change in to your meeting clothes, quickly go over the day's bullshit, I wonder if they even bothered to ask the people what they think? Oh how the elders look out for their sheep.
wow nathan, that was fantastic!!!