Every year we (NON-JW FAMILY) have Thanksgiving at my grandma's house, all the JW family comes over on friday to eat left overs or take a plate home. OK I think I've posted before on here about how thats a load of crap, it's still Thanksgiving dinner no matter what. I just heard that a family member who is the family JW Nazi, is coming to my Grandma's on Thanksgiving day!! WTF, is she just trying to ruin our time? Because as all you know here non-JW's have to respect the fact that JW's don't celebrate so we have to respect them. UGGG! I hate when they do crap like this, ok if your going to come over that's fine but WHY, to make the rest of the family feel bad? Shouldn't it be the same as taking part in the celebration to just be there? yet they won't go in to churches for a funeral, they get upset over christmas decorations, hell I have even heard them say that they can't believe my wife wears a cross, WE ARE CATHOLIC. sorry just had to vent
Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrates Thanksgiving
by Wordly Andre 22 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
FREE FOOD! I bet they don't even help wash the dishes they use.
is she just trying to ruin our time?
I'd vote "Yes".
Because as all you know here non-JW's have to respect the fact that JW's don't celebrate so we have to respect them.
I've always found respect to be a two-way street - even "back in the day".
but WHY, to make the rest of the family feel bad?
See first line vote. And to find a reason to be mad.
yet they won't go in to churches for a funeral
Somehow, I missed out on that edict. I've been to many funerals and weddings in churches without reprisal (again, "back in the day").
Funny - my mom (second generation) always made a Thxgiving turkey - but not as a "worldly custom", rather as a "personal family tradition" - the turkey is available, on sale, and tasty!
I'm really sorry - some people are such <insert apellation here>.
Every year my in-laws go to their daughter's for T-giving. My mom-in-law is once again a holy rollin' Witness.
This year we are having it at our house, our first! But mil has her mom here and will have a Witness couple visiting this week. All of a sudden me and my kids are bad association and they aren't coming over.
I've made it clear they are invited, but "We'll just see how things work out." Well, we'll have all the rest of the family and my lesbian sister and her GF. So there!
i had more turkey and dressing dinners on thanksgiving as a jw than i've had since i left the religion.
go figure.
I always went to my worldly family's house for Thanksgiving and Xmas, the joys of having a JW mom with an UBM....
Re: wearing the CROSS.....
I remember when I was a teen and had just met my hubby to be. He took me home to meet the folks and then we left. His Mom was a JW and had taken him out in service and to meetings but he didn't go on his own...he didn't go at all after we started dating.(Except the Memorial)
But all of a sudden the cross I was wearing that my grandma had given me turned up missing!
Funny thing is I remember him telling me his mom had made a comment about the cross I was wearing to him and had he told me that their religion didn't celebrate christmas? He told her No he hadn't.
So the next time He told me they didn't celebrate Xmas I said so? He was delighted.No problem here.
But I told him I must have lost my cross somewhere in his car because I couldn't find it after we went to see his folks.
It wasn't till many many years later that it hit me. He took it! He didn't want me wearing it around her. I asked him about it and he admitted it.
I was furious. So he went out and got me a gold heart to wear..I loved it but it wasn't something my Grandma had given me.Only later in out marriage did I realize how controlling JW's can be. And munipulitive..and selfish...and..need I go on?
Snoozy..Maybe I will buy myself another cross for my own Christmas present..like taking my life back again!!!!!!
Strange, I thought they JW's didn't celebrated anything
Wordly Andre
At my company we have about 4 dubs that work here ( I KNOW I'M IN HELL) but 4 out of 50 isn't bad, anyway I asked all of them if they were going to make a turkey, I got the oh we don't celebrate bullshit but everyone said that they are making a Turkey Dinner on friday??? WTF really WHAT THE FUCK!!!
In the 40+ years I was an active Dub I had turkey on all but one or two of those Thanksgivings. One year I did not have turkey because my now ex-wife was on a vegetarian kick and we had tofu turkey. Ugg.