Thank you for your kind remarks and always interesting observations, Hillary_Step. To be honest, I was just "this close" to boiling over and then chilling into a puddle of whine these last few days, and I had to pull back until I could get over myself. Your words here and on another thread have been soothing balm to wounds you probably didn't even know I had. I often must remind myself not to take things too personally, and to understand other viewpoints and look at things more objectively while not losing my own place. Most of the time, however, I like to challenge myself and so I like other people to challenge me too.
I understand your feelings about bashing, Black Pearl. Even so, I don't want anyone here to have to be too PC. I would rather people be free to say what they are thinking/feeling, however hurtful or horrible it might seem to me, because I think it is important for such things to be out in the open where they can be discussed. On a discussion board, a person can just leave a thread if they feel too ganged up on. In real life, of course, it can be a different matter.
Long live JWD, the sometimes UFC octagon, sometimes cozy coffee shop, new Alexandrian Library.