A very pleasant Non-Shunning at Dollar Tree.

by AK - Jeff 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    LP was a long time elder before he 'stepped down' a few years back - unexplained. His son ZP, is a fine young man of about 22 or 23 now I think. They have a carpet cleaning business. A few months ago LP and his lovely wife of 25 years, DP, divorced. I have no idea why.

    DP was a very good friend of mine. I still consider her that, though likely it is unilateral nowadays. Every once in a while I get a one line reply to my email efforts to let her know I still love her [platonically of course]. But have not seen or spoken to any of the family since I left the 'truth', now about 4 years ago.

    Our little town has attracted a new store, Dollar Tree. I love the place around the holidays. You can buy all sorts of items for always the same price - $1. I just like the concept. Most of it is junk really.

    Anyway - today I browsing thru the store with a half basket full of Christmas items, when to my surprise, in walks LP and son ZP. I expected what I always expect when that happens - to be shunned. I wasn't. Granted it was not a happy hug an apostate event. But as they entered the store, and saw me down the aisle a couple dozen feet away, they both looked up, smiled broadly, and said a polite hello.

    I must say - it kind of restored my faith that at least some witnesses are good and decent people yet. I made no effort to speak and force them into an uncomfortable situation. They walked one way and I the other. But it was a genuine, 'we used to be friends, and so I owe you that much' kind of greeting. I appreciated it.

    In the back of my mind though, I am still wondering if someone in that family has not 'figured it out', and hence the divorce of the century for this congregation I suppose? I hope so. I hope they all do. I hope I can hug them all again someday.

    It was good.


  • BabaYaga

    Awesome, AK Jeff...

    quote "I hope I can hug them all again someday."

    Exactly. I'm right there with you. I hope so too.


  • JWdaughter

    With few exceptions, I think most JWs are decent, just misguided. . .with the exception of some of the cretins that are on some of the other forums I have been on. You know the ones where, when you make a very valid point, and they start with the personal attacks (ggeneral and/or specific) I am glad you came across some good guys. Perhaps the divorce humbled them all a bit? It tends to do that, I think.

  • beksbks

    Well Jeff, you brought tears to my eyes. That's a great experience. How rotten it is that when we see people we knew and cared for, that we have to wonder what their reaction will be to us.

  • JK666


    Very interesting! It would be interesting to be privy to the details of that divorce.

    Glad that this was a positive experience for you.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    right you are JWDaughter!

    With few exceptions, I think most JWs are decent, just misguided. .

    I could not agree more! There are so many wonderful people trapped in this destructive religion.

    They deserve to be freed!

    No one deserves to be put in harms way (blood issue, child molestation policies, judgemental culture, practice of shunning etc etc) without good cause.

    Let's see if each of us can free just one person over the next three months. There is a worthwhile goal!

    The Oracle

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Let's see if each of us can free just one person over the next three months. There is a worthwhile goal!

    The Oracle

    Good goal. Do you mean each or collectively? Either way is a good thing.


  • sweetstuff

    Great experience Jeff! Hopefully, someday in the future, we will all be able to hug those we loved in the borg, I am not holding my breath though, I think it will take another generation or so, to see any major changes. Still, I am very happy for your good experience, not all wits are shunners and haters, its the individual's true nature that shines thru in a situation like that and hers is obviously a kind one.

    .DP was a very good friend of mine.

    Giggle, giggle. Snicker, snicker.

  • freeme
    With few exceptions, I think most JWs are decent, just misguided. .

    true, true, true. i see it the same way. my whole family, my sisters, my parents, friends... all of them are nice ppl and i love them much. its just the twisted religion who controls their minds and let them think showing hate is showing love. its sad, but many of not most of them are good ppl.



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