This is the problem: We are wasting oil. Look how much natural gas is burned at the wells instead of being captured for use. Look at how much oil is wasted in cars that get shamefully pathetic gas mileage. Look at how little improvement in gas mileage there has been since the 1973 energy crisis. Look at the non-progress in finding and developing large scale alternatives. Look at the one thing they are "trying", which is the most inefficient imaginable--ethanol.
Back in 1973, it was a matter of not wasting gas. Turning out lights, driving 55, and setting the thermostat to 65 in the day and 55 at night was the answer to the short-term crisis. But, in the meantime, they were supposed to do something longer-term. There is enough free energy so everyone on the planet could drive 160 MPH in SUVs the size of today's Mack Trucks, run every light in their house 24/7, get 200" plasma TV sets, blast the heat and the A/C full time, and more. But we seem hellbent on not developing these free sources. Instead, we are bent on using oil and coal.
This time, we need long-term solutions on the double. We need to open up anti-big-oil forums that would serve the same purpose as anti-Watchtower forums, and watch to see how fast our regulators get those forums shut down. We should be working on usurping whatever energy we get from hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and even global warming itself! Notice that the upper stratosphere is cooling off, creating a heat differential that could be exploited for free energy. But, instead, we are stuck in the Dark Ages of the oil era, after oil has gone out of date.
A note to politicians and oil giants: You all need to be fired now. You have been written up in 1973 and 1979, when supply disruptions caused widespread spot shortages and price spikes. But, you did nothing more than talk about alternatives. Well, instead of wasting time in the 1980s and 1990s when oil was plentiful, you sat and did nothing. Now, we are in a new energy crisis. This time, it is not a temporary situation. OPEC is not to blame this time: policymakers that keep alternative sources of energy off the market are.
This is further proof that our policymakers don't give a damn about the future of this planet, or mankind, any more than the Watchtower Society gives a damn about the future of children born and raised in the cult. Unless the regulators are impeached and the big companies lose their protective laws, we are all going down. And, belonging to any cult is not going to save anyone.
In the meantime, the Watchtower Society itself has a lot of blame. They encourage wasteful practices. They waste huge amounts of energy in getting Watchtower magazines printed up and distributed, while cutting down huge amounts of forest in the process. While the energy part could have been solved with policies that encourage competition from alternative sources, the wanton cutting down of trees for Watchtower litter-ature can not. Those trees are necessary for the future production of alternative energy sources and for removing carbon dioxide from the air. And I am still blaming the Watchtower Society for its inefficient climate control systems in their Kingdumb Hells and the wastes of gas to get back and forth to meetings and in field circus.