That's when you start threatening to not do anything at all in field circus. If they want you to do your RVs when you are not able to be out, then you simply stop going out altogether. You just let the Watchtower Bible studies know that the study has to be cancelled until further notice, and then drop out. Better yet, start referring all your studies to an apostate Web site and let them read that. Then, no one will be able to "teach" them. You will look even worse on paper, and they will have stifled your progress.
When Brother Hounder complains about that, you say that they were complaining too much when you were active, and now they are going to get nothing. The more they complain and hound, the more you have when you go onto an apostate Web site to expose the rotten organization that claims to be the one true religion. Perhaps missing all the boasting sessions would be the next step.
Note for faders: That means that those hounding calls make great places to move ahead with your fade. Each time they hound and harass you, you start missing meetings on flimsier excuses. Eventually, you go to none. If you time each step with each hounding, and they ask about why you are missing meetings, you can tell them that, if they are going to keep harassing and hounding you, you will stop going altogether and may even turn apostate.