Those That Hate God For Suffering

by writetoknow 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • justhuman

    Actualy is we humans that cause pain to each other

  • Inquisitor
    Actualy(sic) is(sic) we humans that(sic) cause pain to each other - justhuman

    ..esp when we don't thank somebody else's God for giving us a good dose of suffering. INQ

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    > Actualy is we humans that cause pain to each other

    yes, we humans cause tsunamis and hurricanes, we created volcanoes, we commit earthquakes, we plan famines and floods...

  • Inquisitor
    yes, we humans cause tsunamis and hurricanes, we created volcanoes, we commit earthquakes, we plan famines and floods...

    He'd like you to think that wouldn't he? I think we humans just have the annoying habit of building houses near God's violent play-things. It's still OUR fault though. Not God's. He cannot and WILL not stop the display of His raw macho power for our pathetic sakes.

    Now bow down and thank Him for kicking our sorry asses!!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    True hope and encouragement can only be found in the reality of God because the truth is that this world is bad and getting badder

    Nonsense. So when exactly were "The Good Ol' Days"? Were they in the 50's when blacks could not drink from the same fountain or were segregated at restaurants, trains, buses, etc.? Or in the 30's and 40s when lynchings were common throughout the South?

    I'm not even going to debate with you the tortures of the Inquisition or the horrors of the Crusades or the hysteria of the witch hunts. Was the world better then?

    It does not take an analytical genius to look around and see that the human race is becoming alarmingly ungodly, from entire nations to individuals. Nations suffers at the hands of other nations, or peoples at the hand of their own rulers. People suffer at the hands of other people; not only from the proudly wicked, but also sadly from the hand of those who outwardly profess Christ... families torn apart, friendships destroyed, generations embittered and churches divided.

    Has the author of this "article" ever studied history? Does this person know how Christianity brutalized people for over a thousand years? Have you,or this "author" ever read anything of the stunning corruption of the Popes for 10 centuries? I would surmise not, since this person seems to feel only now have we faced problems.

    The Apostle Paul presented clearly in the first four chapters of Romans that man is justified by faith alone

    Faith in what? God? God didn't stop hideous monsters from brualizing a 4 year old boy. I begged and pleaded and this prayer was not answered. This is the sort of of simple answers that really pisses me off. You tell me all I need is "Faith" and yet when I needed God the most, he wasn't there.

    Real life ain't so simple that reading a couple of mindless passages in a book written a couple of millenia ago by a few ignorant goat herders will magically solve very real and complex dynamics that cause very real and serious emotional problems. Give me a break.

    Because of Christ, we are declared righteous and thereby at peace with God allowing us to stand secure in His presence... all of which gives us HOPE. This is not just some good feeling that may come or go; this hope has no uncertainty and no conditions. The "hope" in this verse speaks of something that is supremely certain, that is known for sure, and can be counted on. It is a hope of something not yet attained, but without doubt will be.

    Hope. Huh.

    One of my first memories is of my grandfather raping me while my mother stood in the doorway watching. I screamed to her for help, I begged and she turned her back and walked away. I was 3 years old.

    Please talk to me about hope. Please tell me more about being "supremely certain".

    My mother left me. God left me. Why should I believe anything at all people like you tell me? I was lied to by a high control, selfish cult for 27 years. They only want to use people. Frankly your words sound no different than theirs. Yada yada yada.

    You both place responsibility and guilt on the victim. You both give a free pass to someone who claims to have the power to help but REFUSES to do so.

    When life threatens to grind you to dust and it seems that joy and happiness don't exist for you anymore... remember the FACTS about who and what you are in Christ.

    Bullshit. What FACTS have you presented? Nothing but the same smoke and mirrors presented by another charlatan sham religion.

    Application : Life tries to lie to us and convince us that there is no hope and no reason to "press on". God's Word tries to teach us the FACTS about who and what we are to God. God's Word gives us hope based on absolute truth. Turn to God's Word when life gets you down. Believe God.

    When I was 3, or maybe 4 years old, I remember looking out of my bedroom window and seeing a full moon. I prayed with all my heart and all my soul. I only wanted one thing. I asked God: "Please make my daddy stop hurting me."

    When that prayer wasn't answered, I experience a cold side of God that people like you never have. You pontificate while never understanding, or hearing, what horrors others have gone through.

    Telling me God "loves" me, while allowing me to experience something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy is insane. I refuse to accept it. And, for the sake of argument, even if I did -- even if I accepted God's "love", what the HELL does that do for me?! Tell me that. It didn't do much for me 40 years ago now did it?

    Frankly I think God either (1) doesn't exist; or (2) doesn't give a damn about us. I lean more toward the latter. I see God as like the CEO of IBM or Microsoft -- some disconnected, uncaring number cruncher who doesn't give a shit about some spare in the mail room.

    If you want to know honestly, I hope atheists are right. I find oblivion far more comforting than facing the God I've experienced in this life.


  • nvrgnbk

    One of my first memories is of my grandfather raping me while my mother stood in the doorway watching. I screamed to her for help, I begged and she turned her back and walked away. I was 3 years old.

    Can any believer explain this?

    That you are still alive and able to function is a testament to the human spirit and your personal strength, Chris.

    I want to say I'm sorry for what you went through, but it sounds hollow, I know.

    I hope you have some measure of peace and happiness now, at least a moment here and there.

  • sweetstuff

    Hmm, I dont' hate God, I just don't expect deliverance from him/her/it. But if I did, this would be my anthem....

  • DaCheech

    My disbelief in the God of the Bible can be summarized in two words: BIRTH DEFECTS

  • AlmostAtheist

    It's inevitable that at some point the earth will get smacked by another extinction-event-inducing asteroid. If anyone survives it, I wonder if they will pray to God and thank him for sparing them?


  • writetoknow

    So the same comments over and over again God does not exist. Ok, that is cool, now lets move on with your life - stop blaming and hating something that does not exist.

    We heard how God does not answer your prayers and so you were abused - so God doesn't exist, so how did He allowed it? A billion people could state how God answers their prayers and it would be a lie and made up - people that have suffered that are not bitter make no different everyone is a lier it all made up.

    Ok that is cool, get on with your life stop blaming something that does not exist as though He still exist. The amount of force behind the rebuttals speak volumes about the fear over something that doesn't exist.

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