What Congregational "Rules" Did You Have To Follow?

by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    One rule our Hall had was that families with young children should only sit in the rear of the Hall. If a baby got fussy, the attendant was to go to the mother and ask her to bring the child in the library or "backroom".

    Also, disfellowshipped persons were to sit in the back of the Hall and if they talked to another df'd one in front of the congregation members, they were threatened with not being allowed to get reinstated and having a lack of humility.

    Did your elders make up certain rules in your Hall?

  • bite me
    bite me

    Threatened? Wow.. some loving people that is..

    I would think that if someone wanted to talk to another person who they were not allowed to they could just go to another hall where they were not known.

  • ninja

    it wasnt a rule as such (well maybe an unwritten one).......the smelliest old guy at the hall had to sit next to me.........mind you maybe he was thinking the same thing.......I used to think to myself as i saw him walking to my row.....ninja ....urine big trouble mate!!!!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    This rule originated in our congregation, and was instituted City wide. It is in 2 parts.

    1. Do not let a teenage Jehovah's Witness brother, bring his worldly friend to the city wide skating party.
    2. Do not let the teenage Jehovah's Witness sister get caught kissing and having a wonderful time, openly, with said worldly boy.

    I can't believe she did this! It was planned. A young man (16) and his mother came into a small store, where a young witness sister worked after school. She was 15. It started with their eyes meeting, and within 5 minutes of talking, they found they had a friend in common. A young witness brother.

    At the skating party, it was so blatant. they were the talk of the party. Out in the open, kissing, and laughing!! It took til the Thursday meeting, for her elder dad and mom to be notified. The punishment was swift and severe!!! P.S. He was just so damn cute, fun, and kissed great!

  • undercover

    If a brother assigned to roaming microphone duty during the WT study did not study his WT, then he was to be replaced with another brother who had.

    The brothers running the mikes were also to follow along with the study, holding the magazine while trying handle the mike. They were expected to follow along with the reading as well.

    There are tons more but those popped into my head for some reason.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Previous elder in charge of Sound Department always wanted the sisters on stage to be seated at the table facing each other, but at a 90 degree angle to the audience. That way, if either one's skirt started hiking up a little too much, nobody got a free "peep show".

    New Sheriff in town says he wants them seated at a 45 degree angle so the audience can see their faces better. It will improve the quality of "teaching from the Faithful & Discreet Slave". (I swear the dude said that. He can't go 2 sentences without a "F&D" reference.)

    Everyone's anxiously awaiting the "show".

    (Hasn't happened yet to my knowledge.)

    Open Mind

  • undercover

    Open Mind...

    That reminded me of one of the rules for the sisters in one hall. The sister that was giving the talk had to sit in the chair that most faced him at his "grading" seat. The other seat had the sister sitting more or less with her back to him. Every time a sister sat in the wrong seat, he would make them switch before they gave their talk.

  • Mum

    It sounds like there were some bright spots in that "horrible life!" You go, girl!

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    The sister that was giving the talk had to sit in the chair that most faced him at his "grading" seat.

    Hmmmm. Sounds a little fishy to me.

    Was the guy single? Frustrated? Married but not getting "his due"?

    Sounds to me like he was collecting his "thoughts" for a later "Menage A Uno".

    (One of my favorite "Farkelisms", BTW)

    Open Mind

  • undercover

    Well, he says it was so he could watch them as they did their gestures and to see how much they looked at their notes.

    But, now that you mention it...he might have had ulterior motives...at least with the younger sisters. I shudder to think if anyone got their jollies from fantasizing about some of the older sisters...

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