Hi guys i'm a newbie

by The Dark Side 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Dark Side
    The Dark Side

    Hello i've been disfellowshipped for about three years, and no plans to go back to the MATRIX ( if u know what i mean ). but my mother, and brothers are still inside. any word of advice on how can i tell them the truth without them getting dissapointed?


  • Magick

    Hi Dark Side


  • MsMcDucket

    Someone on here wrote a detailed article on how he managed to get his family out. I think you may find it located in "The Best Of" category.

  • AudeSapere

    Hi Dark Side -

    Welcome to JWD!

    I have no advise for you myself with regard to your family but do have two suggestions for using this forum:

    1. Post a new topic with a title that asks for advise in talking to JW family

    2. Check out the 'Best of' section and also the 'Relationships' section for older threads on this topic

    Looking forward to more posts from you.

    -Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Think for Yourself)

  • TheSilence

    Welcome Dark Side!

    There will be those far better than myself who come along to give you advice... so just thought I'd pop in and say welcome ;)


  • BFD

    Hello and Welcome, darkside.

    In answer to your question, no. There is no way to find out that what you believe is all a big pack of lies without being disappointed. And, there is no easy way to get them to see this.

    Good to have you here.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Welcome Dark Side!!

    I'd say BFD pretty much nailed it.

    Now to give you a little hope. They'll have to wake up on their own. It has happened to many, including me. It could happen to them. But it's unlikely that you will be able to be instrumental in this, at least in the early stages since you're DFed.

    If they ever start to "crack" and talk to you about spiritual things, take it slow and at a pace they are comfortable with.

    Read a ton on this site.

    Open Mind

  • undercover


    Until someone wants to leave the "truth", there's not much you can do to make them listen to real truth about the "truth". Showing them all the scandals and information in the world about the WTS and JWs will only cause them to pull closer to the organization out of fear of apostate messages.

    The best you can do is to drop small hints and subtle bits of information from time to time. It may not even be committed on at the time, but maybe later it will create a paradox or conundrum and cause them to think and doubt.

    Even then, if they are really indoctrinated, it may not work.

    Don't force the issue. If they're willing to continue to associate with you as a family member, it might be best to just enjoy their company and leave religion as an unspoken thing. Maybe in time, one of them will ask your feelings and opinions and you can tread lightly on a subject to make them squirm.

    Again, Welcome and good luck.

  • Maddie

    Welcome to the forum Darkside

    I am in the same situation as you with family but not df'd. I have told them how I feel and about the deceit of the WT (abuse scandal cover-ups, doctrine changes called "new light"). Many on JWD would suggest planting small seeds at a time.

    Do your family still speak to you now you are df'd?


  • Mastodon

    Woohoo! Darkside is my boy!!! Welcome to JWD!

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