Happy Thanksgiving! What Do You Feel Thankful For in Your Life ?

by flipper 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Hello all, and happy Thanksgiving wherever you are ! I know other people started threads on this, but you know me, Mr. analyze this, analyze that , what do you guys feel personally thankful for in this time in your life ? Lots to be thankful for , to be sure. These are a few of my reasons.

    I'm thankful for my lovely wife of just over a year and the happiness we share and how she made me believe in real love between a man and woman again ! Love ya baby !

    I'm thankful for my wonderful son and his unconditional love and kindness and joy he brings to my life as a young adult.

    I'm also thankful for my two daughters that they are happily married ,love them, and hope in time to get them out of a mind control cult .

    I'm thankful we have food to eat, and a roof over our heads as I know some are not so fortunate . Feel for them. Been down too.

    I'm thankful for the love of my elderly parents, in spite of their witness beliefs , they respect my fade.

    And I'm thankful for getting to know you all here on JWD . I wish I could get to know all of you better , but the ones I'm getting to know closely, want you to know you have encouraged me in lifes journey and I treasure the friendships with you, and those I hope to know better !

    So, look forward to hearing from you folks. Happy thanksgiving all, and hope this next year brings you much happiness and peace ! Peace out, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper


    I am thankful that Al Gore created the internet, I am thankful for JWD.

    I am thankful that I am out of the cult and a bad marriage. Both controlling.

    I am thankful for all the friends I have made on JWD.

    I am thankful that my friends and family accepted me back as part of their lives when I left the cult.

    I am thankful that my daughter is doing a lot better with her addiction issues and that we are closer than we have ever been. I am thankful for the wonderful relationship I have with my son and granddaughter.

    I am thankful for life and freedom.

  • Maddie

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too Flipper

    I am thankful for my dear husband who has supported me through everything and changed my life.

    I am thankful that today I am in Recovery, as I nearly died.

    I am thankful for my family that I adore.

    I am thankful for my unconditional friends.

    I am thankful for not being controlled by the WT anymore.

    I am thankful for much more too


  • Mum

    Most of all I am thankful for my daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law. They are all great people, and I love them dearly.

    Then, I am thankful for my comfortable life -- good job, decent income, more than enough of what I need and much of what I want.

    Freedom! It is priceless, and I have it in spite of being a woman in a world where many women are kept down.

    Last but not least, my sincere gratitude goes to the people on this board who keep me grounded, amused, and hopeful for the future! You're the best!

    Thanks, flipper, for reminding us to remind ourselves of our blessings.


  • Finally-Free
  • DJK

    I am thankful that I am still employed. I don't know how long this will last.

    I am thankful I still have my hearing so I can listen to music. A major staple for my soul.

    I am thankful that my daughter has moved back home. She arrived this past Monday. I haven't seen her more than twice in ten years while she was stationed in Germany and then in Florida with the National Gaurd.

    I am thankful for the JWD and the many, many beautiful people here.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.


  • Abandoned

    I'm thankful that I no longer view the world and those in it as disposable. I'm thankful that even though I was wrong about so many things I was able to admit it and move forward. I'm thankful that my brother and I are once again friends. I'm thankful that my dad has recovered and still has his memory. I'm thankful for my mom and what an amazing woman she is. I'm thankful for the healing power of words. I'm thankful that writing is a skill that can be learned. I'm thankful for NaNoWriMo and for the confidence it first gave me four years ago. I'm thankful for all the wonderful people I've met here at JWD. I'm thankful for my too cool for words, best friend, Susan, who never, ever, ever, ever ceases to motivate me. I'm thankful for all those who had the guts to stand up to the watchtower before me. I'm thankful for www.43things.com. I'm thankful for www.writing.com. I'm thankful for the people in my two writing support groups. I'm thankful for ALL of my friends, both online and RL.

  • DJK

    Sorry, pics still not working

  • R.Crusoe

    That there's less of it left than I already lived!

  • Casper

    "Happy Thanksgiving".... Mr and Mrs. Flipper....!!! ((((((Hugs))))))

    I am very thankful for my two Great Daughters, I am so proud of them.

    My Two beautiful Grandchildren, My Parents and Brother and Sister.

    My Wonderful Hubby, who is the Love of MY life .

    MY freedom from the JW law makers.

    And last, but not least, I am Thankful for having a roof over my head and

    food on the table..!!


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