What Happened - Showed Mum the Feature from NBC News

by KW13 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • sspo

    Just like 2001after the dateline story, many networks picked up the story, we hope it will go all over the globe and many JW's will

    wake up. They will think twice before putting down other religions.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear KW,

    That is wonderful!! Think of how many others won't know what to say either!! No doubt this is going to disturb MANY JWs for a long long time!!


    Lady Liberty

  • KW13

    Thanks guys, yep its sure making a good dent in the side of the Society and their squeaky clean image they've tried to maintain. For any lurking JW, consider motives rather than action...why are we doing this? why the effort? because actually we want to break down this organization and HELP people, this is what you are in. Wake up!!

  • ninja

    hi KW....I'm not doing it to help them.....its just I'm a nasty apostate........he he.....only kidding lurker dudes

  • KW13

    thats because your a ninja!!

  • Hipraptor

    I have just read the article and the links and I see in the media statement released by the JW info office that they still have their head in the sand and make out that abuse is rare.

  • dogisgod

    My mom watched it too. There was a little epiphany for me in the conversation afterwards. She said, "Well I would have called the police!!!!" (although she didn't when it happened to me....it was a non jw fam member) and I said "Mother, the society is not you...they were covereing up for years and now how many thousands of guys or women have gotten away with it and how many thousands of kids are messed up?" I think because my mom was raised by a man-hater she never looked to the elders for anything. she just did her own thing (sometimes hypocritical but if SHE thought it was right to hell with them).

    Anyway, due to fear of lawsuits instead of fear of God they stay rectal cranniel.

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