Anyone who writes "cant see the forest through the trees," is a JW, period.
Some current JWs who are feeling guilty or inactive, but still believe, are closet drinkers. I guess this kind of posting happens when a JW drinks and posts.
I personally have no problem with these posters, they can offer a little entertainment for this cynical apostate. I pick and choose my battles (if any) and I'd rather not get riled up over an uninformed, closed minded drunk. (I don't mind an open minded drunk LOL)
I feel it just goes with the territory. Plus, if a JW...(drunk or not) has found JWD then we are doing well. In time, this person may stumble accross some information that is hard to ignore. If not, oh well.
What I won't put up with is someone coming here and hurting those who are already hurting. Many new ones here have fresh wounds from their experiences and are wearing their hearts on their sleeves. They do not need nor deserve the name calling and insults.
That being said, it is a public forum and current, drunk JWs are welcome. If you don't like the thread, change the channel...there's plenty to choose from. If the person is being abusive, report them to a moderator. We should try not to be emotionally affected by a person that is just here to "play games with wicked apostates," or "teach us a lesson for leaving Jehovah."
I don't think we should push them away, but, don't let them get to you either.
just a thought,