An open letter to new posters who are here only to irk us--not for solace

by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Magick

    Anyone who writes "cant see the forest through the trees," is a JW, period.

    Some current JWs who are feeling guilty or inactive, but still believe, are closet drinkers. I guess this kind of posting happens when a JW drinks and posts.

    I personally have no problem with these posters, they can offer a little entertainment for this cynical apostate. I pick and choose my battles (if any) and I'd rather not get riled up over an uninformed, closed minded drunk. (I don't mind an open minded drunk LOL)

    I feel it just goes with the territory. Plus, if a JW...(drunk or not) has found JWD then we are doing well. In time, this person may stumble accross some information that is hard to ignore. If not, oh well.

    What I won't put up with is someone coming here and hurting those who are already hurting. Many new ones here have fresh wounds from their experiences and are wearing their hearts on their sleeves. They do not need nor deserve the name calling and insults.

    That being said, it is a public forum and current, drunk JWs are welcome. If you don't like the thread, change the channel...there's plenty to choose from. If the person is being abusive, report them to a moderator. We should try not to be emotionally affected by a person that is just here to "play games with wicked apostates," or "teach us a lesson for leaving Jehovah."

    I don't think we should push them away, but, don't let them get to you either.

    just a thought,


  • nomoreguilt

    I want to thank you for saying in print what many of MY personal ex-JW friends and I have wanted to say ourselves. Like many of those to whom you have addressed this open letter to, I too have lost family and dear friends, or so I thought were friends. I was raised in the truth, left it for 12 years as a teen and then got dragged back in by my exwife. I have been outside the org. now for 3 years and have never before in my life seen things so clearly for what they really are. I am very happy in my life now, I have a wonderful new wife , no JW affliation before meeting me. I have seen many things in the ORG over my life, hypocracy, cronyism, nepotism, murder, molestation and extremely violent physical abuse of children and spouses. I am very open minded now to the feelings of others like us, and if I can be of any help to those like us, feel free to approach me. I do have to remain annonymous, as I still have a son that I need to share a relationship with.

    Thank You again

  • avishai

    great post!!

  • Fatfreek

    What a fine post. You poured your heart out and most of us appreciate that and will treasure you.

    Len Miller

  • golf2

    P. Spirit, good info. I don't waste my time and energy on such people. Life is short and troubling enough without such uncouth characters. Stay positive.


  • Hortensia

    some people complain that newbies are driven away because they are attacked by a "clique." The "clique" is folks who have been around JWD for a while and have seen two types of new posters: the superior JW who wants to tell us how we are wrong and the person looking for help and support. No one looking for help or support has ever been attacked in my opinion, but I cheerfully join in telling off those who just come to judge and run.

  • dogisgod

    Jumpin Jehosaphat THAT WAS A GREAT POST!!!!!!

    I luv you guys. I know that it takes time for a newbie to gain trust that we are not some s...head from the organization spying or whatever. You ALL have been a lifesaver for me. Everybody just lives so far away. That's okay. At least you are there.

    ps Catfish, I have never drank in the is way too teeny. Cheers to you. Gin and Tonics for everyone-- on the house.

  • Quandry

    Pioneer spit---

    I just read your post (was out of town for a few days and had to catch up) and I agree totally. When I first came to this forum, I was received kindly by others. I was hurting in the extreme. I literally wanted to die after my family was treated so badly by those whom I thought of as the "princes in the earth" and "spiritual shepherds of the flock" and began to find out, after over thirty years, that it was all from MEN.

    Now, I do not get agitated greatly by posters who wish to come here and insult. It makes me glad that I am out. It makes me sure that I will never treat others the way I was treated.

    It makes me feel sorry for some who make themselves feel smug and superior by denegrating others. And I realize that deep down they must know it is all false or they wouldn't be here...disobediently joining themselves to an apostate forum.

    Anyway, great post.


    That was an awesome post - I don't know how I missed it.

  • 5go
    Some people complain that newbies are driven away because they are attacked by a "clique." The "clique" is folks who have been around JWD for a while and have seen two types of new posters: the superior JW who wants to tell us how we are wrong and the person looking for help and support. No one looking for help or support has ever been attacked in my opinion, but I cheerfully join in telling off those who just come to judge and run.

    I agree if you come on here to convert people to something. You better make a convincing case as to why. Most of us on JWD are still recovering from the last conversion; and we don't care to be converted again without a sane, and logical reason to do it

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