Often a person asks of ex-JWs, "Why the hate?"
It's possible that they've seen examples of how some can be opportunistic in their finding fault of people or groups. Some people hate Walmart. Some hate the Walt Disney corporation. Some women hate men, and vice versa. But, for as many expressions of hate that can be made against them, there are obviously plenty of other redeeming expressions to be made. Some of us prefer to live in a less hateful world, and so we look for the opportunities to minimize hate. And when someone expresses hatred, addressing them with calm, reasonable, counteractive words can make a person feel levelheaded and wise.
So to such ones, I say, "Good for you!"
But also I will ask, "When the Watchtower Society claims they are God's sole channel of communication, and that all other religious agencies are not merely mistaken--but under the direct control of "the wicked one," Satan the Devil...why the hate?"
Further, when a teenage Witness girl is raped and molested by a congregation servant, and when she is threatened not to report this to the authorities by congregation elders who are taking their cues directly from the Watchtower Society; when she is expected instead to sit and listen to her rapist give talks from the platform--and never to speak of her abuse again...why the hate?
When a Watchtower insider, overwhelmed by the evidence of the organization's failure to protect children from pedophiles among them, is finally moved by her conscience to come forward and tell the truth--but is summarily dismissed, condemned and shunned...why the hate?
When the Society had it's followers surround other churches with signs in hand, and had sound cars blasting the message, "Religion is a Snare and a Racket!" to peaceable churchgoers...why the hate?
When the Society joins up as an N.G.O. with the United Nations--what they claim to be the disgusting image of Revelation's Wild Beast--and they minimize the importance, but, when a young Witness man joins the YMCA and they threaten him with disfellowshipping and shunning...why the hate?
When Witness researchers discovered grave errors in foundational Watchtower chronology, and they did not immediately respond to official threats to keep their mouths shut, and were then disfellowshipped and shunned...why the hate?
When the Watchtower Society's president yelled out to more than 30,000 Witnesses, “Christendom must be cut down and thrown into the fire!”...why the hate?
When the official position is that any other religion other than their own is “deserving of the fiery expression of Jehovah’s wrath” and “fit for destruction"...why the hate?
And when a baptized Witness decides they no longer recognize the Society as what it claims to be, and wish to leave peacefully, and when the Society then brands them as a wicked apostate, not even worthy of prayers; when their entire family and lifelong community of friends are now officially instructed by the Society to cut them off, vilifying them as of "The Evil Slave Class," I ask...why the hate?
Sometimes, when faced with such questions, these evenhanded, sensible folks will remind us that other religions have been responsible for such things and worse. And they're right, aren't they? (pause) And this should have what effect upon us?
Perhaps it is the word "hate" itself. It's an ugly word, and the idea that someone "hangs onto hatred" is somewhat sad. But I'd suggest that, for most of us here, the word may not really be "hate." It could be "frustration," "sadness;" how about "righteous indignation"? For me, it's whatever you call the emotions brought up when an authoritarian organization has mentally captivated your entire family, your family doesn't realize it, and the organization threatens them to shun you in an attempt to retain its own power. Maybe it is hate.
Perhaps, in reading the abundance of comments here, it is perceived that this is all we do. Granted, some contributors participate more than others. But the fact is, for the great majority of us, separating ourselves from the Watchtower Society has opened up a beautiful, new world for us. (Something far better than the "New System" illusion they love to paint.) But it's also true that, although I would never trade the freedom I now have for my family...it's still my family...
Yes, it is sad to see people who continue to be affected by the captivity of their families. But you know what is at least as sad? Watching someone choose to wear a helmet/mask unit that connects to their cerebral cortex and lets them live in a world of pathetically incorrect virtual reality, while their lives pass them by.
And for those of you cool, rational individuals who ask of ex-JWs, "Why the hate?" I ask you to remember that it's not us who decided to get all nasty here. We'd have been happy to leave peaceably, still maintaining good relationships with friends and family within. It was the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society who decided they would not have it. They would not tolerate people questioning, challenging, or deciding to leave. It is they who decided to create an adversarial relationship with any who dared not accept their authority.
And it is with reference to them that I again ask, "Why the hate?