New pdf letter being sent out to jw's regards reasons why leaving the borg
by What-A-Coincidence 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks WAC
Thanks WAC.
BTW I found the Bethel Application and posted it on your thread
can anyone convert this to regular text and post it ? pdf locks my puter up
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Page 1 of 5 Dear Friends,
The Scriptures and the Watchtower say:
Thessalonians 5:21 "Make sure of all things..." 2 Corinthians 13:5 "Keep testing whether you are in the faith."
w58 5/1 p. 261 "Are you willing to put your religion through ... a test? There is nothing to fear, because if you have the right religion you can only be reassured by the examination."
w63 11/15 pp. 688-689 "Execution of Divine Judgment upon False Religion" says: 4 Why should anyone practice a religion unless he is convinced that it is true and right? It is not egotistical for a worshiper to say and believe that his is the only true religion. However, he ought to be able to prove that his is the only one that is correct and that results in eternal blessings. Otherwise, his faith in his religion is foundationless and is mere credulity."
With that in mind…
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ abuse allegations on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams on 11/21/2007 and Watchtower below… Look for Jehovah's Witnesses' abuse allegations
If not available, it’s been posted on youtube…
another link: WT RESPONSE:
"What a misleading and lame statement offered by the Watchtower. The issue is not how many "elders" have been sued, but how many children have been molested by JW molesters over the past 100 years and reported to the authorities. The fact is that in my area alone there were 18 Witness molesters accused and who admitted what they did to a JW judicial committee. All expressed repentance. They were secretly reprimanded but the authorities were not notified.
About 25 miles from my home, there was a sensational case. A ministerial servant molested two children and years later when one of them went to the police, the Witness was arrested and sent to prison. If the elders had reported him to the authorities, he would not have later molested the second child.
Reporting abuse to the authorities along with supporting the victims in their distressful state is something that the Watchtower Society has not been doing for the past 100 years and the facts prove it. Fear of disfellowshipping and being shunned has kept literally tens of thousands of victims of child abuse at the hands of Witness molesters from going to the authorities." - Barbara
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The following excerpts are taken from the WATCHTOWER and AWAKE with regards to pedophile priests. I am bringing these up because the Watchtower paid out approximately $812,500 to 16 victims of child abuse in 2007. That is a total of $13 Million dollars. More lawsuits are forthcoming. Also, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams on 11/21/07 had an expose on them (link below).
A) w94 12/1 p. 6 The 20th-Century Denial of God * The clergy have also denied God by turning their backs on his moral standards—as evidenced, for example, by a steady stream of lawsuits against pedophile priests. The situation of Christendom resembles that of ancient Israel and Judah. "The land is filled with bloodshed and the city is full of crookedness,"... (COMMENT: The Society always talks about other religions errors, but never their own.) B) g92 8/22 p. 28 Watching the World * "Pedophile Priests" "A flurry of child sex-abuse scandals has drawn the Roman Catholic Church into a far-ranging investigation of pedophile priests—a phenomenon critics say the church hierarchy has long kept muffled," reports The Herald-News of Joliet, Illinois, U.S.A (COMMENT: Have you seen or heard anything? Yes, the Governing Body is keeping silent on this.) C) w98 3/1 p. 4 The Churches Confess * The Bible encourages us to ask forgiveness when we are at fault, and many applaud the churches when they subject themselves to self-criticism. (James 5:16) (COMMENT: The Watchtower has not acknowledged their fault, any fault for that matter.)
"One known predator was appointed Ministerial Servant by the Governing Body and the other WT defendants in 1991. He abused four children, who were plaintiffs in one case, from approximately 1991 to 1999. The facts are that he was confronted a number of times over the years by those he molested, but since JWs judicial committees required two witnesses to an event of molestation before taking any kind of disciplinary action, he was never disciplined. By moving from one congregation to another over the years, he was able to keep his crimes mostly hidden for 25 to 30 years. Parents told the press they had no clue that an alleged sexual predator was amongst them even though church elders had prior knowledge of complaints against this molester from another congregation.",4670,JehovahapossWitnessesSexAbuse,00.html
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Watchtower and their association with the United Nations for 10 Years.
A) w94 6/1 p. 12 Have You Found the Right Religion? *** 17 True worship is not tainted by involvement in politics and worldly conflicts. (James 1:27) Why not? Because Jesus said regarding his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world." (John 17:16) Jesus did not meddle in politics, and he restrained his followers from resorting to carnal weapons. (Matthew 26:52) Those who take to heart what God’s Word says ‘do not learn war anymore.’ (Isaiah 2:2-4) If any religion with which you have even a nominal affiliation does not fit that description, it is time to break off ties with it.—James 4:4; Revelation 18:4, 5.
Notice that the following link is a direct link the United Nations and how the Watchtower was 'associated' with them from 1992-2001.
Part of document says:
"Recently the NGO Section has been receiving numerous inquiries regarding the association of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York with the Department of Public Information (DPI). This organization applied for association with DPI in 1991 and was granted association in 1992. By accepting association with DPI, the organization agreed to meet criteria for association, including support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities. "
... the DPI made a decision to disassociate the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York as of 9 October 2001. "
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"Are you willing to put your religion through such a test? There is nothing to fear, because if you have the right religion you can only be reassured by the examination." w58 5/1 p. 261
I can no longer defend the indefensible.
My family and I have disassociated from the Watchtower. "We need to start thinking for ourselves and question everything."
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Books Crisis of Conscience Combating Cult Mind Control Gentile Times Reconsidered
Captives of a Concept
"Well they are imperfect and will make errors." That is true. One thing is to make a mistake, repent and then ask for forgiveness. The Watchtower commits errors but they do not acknowledge them. Their biggest error is to claim that they are spirit directed. Actually the BIBLE discredits their 1914 doctrine and them being chosen in 1919 by Jesus to be their faithful and discreet slave. Read "Gentile Times Reconsidered". You may say the following like I did when I first began to find out about these facts: "But it's the truth," you should say, "It's the truth ACCORDING TO THE WATCHTOWER." "But the Bible says," you should say, "It's what the Bible says ACCORDING TO THE WATCHTOWER."
I guess that is a good reason to call the Watchtower contribution boxes the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. It appears that the majority of forthcoming donations from wills, insurance policies, and those ever-present deficits at a$$emblies and sales of Kingdumb Hells are going to protect pedophiles in the near future. Look for even more attempts at building Kingdumb Hells that are not needed, bigger "deficits" at a$$emblies, and even worse hounding for donations in the near future.
At least Michael Jackson did not resort to coercion to silence his victims. He did raise serious doubt and did pay hush money the first time around, but he is not part of the Watchtower Society any more. And look at what it cost him. At least he earned his money through the sale of some really terrific music. That is more than can be said about the Watchtower Society, which continues to promote the problem to defend itself. Ultimately, they are going to suffer severe embarrassment when more of these cases come to light.
There is no way they can keep the problem silent forever. The hush money will not help when there are new victims. Eventually they are going to get nailed. While it won't start a mass walk out, it will stop people in the territories from coming in and believing their crap. I hope it does cost them all new members, as well as cost them more money per victim than what Michael Jackson had to pay.
Those quotes damning the Catholic church are very telling. They have had great mileage in the past criticising other religions for their sex abuse scandals. I remember going out on field service trying to flog front page articles in the Watchtower about how wicked the catholic church was.
Hypocrites. I hope it all comes back to slap them hard in the face.