i got my car from an elderly sis from my congo and it only had 52000mi and its a subaru gl-10 wagon '88 it looks just like this
As a teenager what was your 1st car
by XOCO 42 Replies latest jw friends
As a teenager my first car was a used, GOT2FEETUSEEM.
Mine was a '72 Chrysler Town and Country station wagon.
My dad got me a 1978 Plymouth Horizon, like this one:
'cept mine had fake wood-panel sides and a luggage rack! Like a baby station wagon!
lol sweetstuff
My dad bought me a used Chevy Nova convertible.
I got married at 19, that's when I got my first car. It was a Nissan Stanza, about an 89. We also had a orange hunk o' junk I don't even remember what the name was. Luckily I lived right on the bus line and could take it to work and school. Even rode it after I got married.
1940 Studebaker Commander. It had two huge fog lights on the front bumper, plus it had a searchlight near the side mirror !!
Looked like a '40's cop car.
Got it for 50 bucks !! Wish I had it now.
Fiat x/9 convertible.
I literally drove it into the ground.
My first car was a 1988 Chevy Station Wagon. It was the BIGGEST and LONGEST car at the High School. It was known as the boat. It even had a slogan known throughout school, "The boat will float." Then, one day, my friends put one of those signs you see on the back of 16-wheelers "CAUTION - WIDE TURNS". They pasted that on the back window. It was hilarious. So embarassing when it happened, but you just had to laugh.