Special Needs talk at our Hall tonite...

by CaptainSchmideo 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • observador
    I recall as a child growing up in the congo in the early 50's the Quota Board that was ever present in the front corner of the hall. Each month the congo servant would go over it with everyone. Back then you needed 10 or 12 hours a month etc etc. The society was booming and new people were coming in in droves. I don't recall that many special need talks back then. The only special needs were when they announced that so and so had been reproved for such and such. Then a talk would be given about what they had done, and they would be publicly humilated.

    Exactly! I love when someone reminds me of what or who we were or did. I hate the short memory thing.

  • MikeA

    And by god... it is ALL your fault! It cannot possibly be that the message reeks, right? Oh no, ALL your fault. Can I hear a "Cult! Amen!"

  • mamochan13

    I always remember eagerly anticipating those special needs talks, hoping to find out something unique or interesting about our cong. But they were always generic and boring, Maybe our cong. was just generic and boring!

    I do love your worker analogy, though, Captainshmid. Right on.

  • BabaYaga

    Awesome, it gives me hope, too... especially since your hall used to be the most "gung ho" one around.

    And let me add... your analogy makes much, MUCH more sense than the one on the "special needs talk" outline!!!


  • outofthebox

    We got the same 'recommendations' in our meeting last night. These are the highlights (you may want to get a bucket, because you may feel nauseated):

    1. You brothers should ask Jehovah for forgiveness if you don't have two bible studies. It looks like Jehovah is asking for a quota now? Pharisees!
    2. When the CO comes you should give money to cover his expenses, but don't worry we got it covered. We just take the money from the CBox without telling you now. You don't need to rise your hand if you approve the expenses any more, but it is good idea to give him additional cash and food for the dinner and breakfast. What?!!! Paul worked. Why the CO can't? Pharisees!
    3. The numbers are down. It is your fault! Go and do more! What?!!! Pharisees!
    4. Pedos? What pedos? That's a lie! They didn't even mention the thing. Most of the brothers and sisters in our congo doesn't know or don't want to know. Pharisees!!!

    That's my rant. Thank you for tuning in. Next episode: Eating turkey is a sin.


  • buffalosrfree

    SPECIAL NEED11 The society needs your money, your attendance, and you full faith and committment to them. Special need my aching rectum, nothing special about it. Be here, on time, in your seat ready to stand and moan the opening song. God how i hate that routine. I have never really heard a special needs talk about just what is needed to help those in the congregation or those in our community. Just meeting attendance, ministry, and our money (they want all of it).

  • Sunnygal41
    The beatings will continue until morale improves......

    LOL!!!! yeah, that's about the size of it!

  • Balsam

    I recall those special needs talks. We were already suffering under the heavy burden of 5 meetings a week, feeding our families, working, time with our family and here they would come with the whips and chains to tell us to get moving preaching and never missing a single meeting. It was always about slack meeting attendance, lack of time in the door to door work or preaching hours, lack of enthusiasm for everything JW. I remember them telling us even when sick we should be there which is insane considering it would make everyone there sick too. It is funny the control they had over us and my poor kids then. My son and I were talking about it this afternoon how hard it is to escape the constant pressure put upon the kids from birth. But my sons got free for that I am grateful.

    Circuit and District conventions were the same. Always more to make us feel more humiliated and useless. I can say though that all those spiritual beatings truly helped awaken me out of my depressed stupor and get the heck out of that stupid and cruel religion. When I had less responsibilities it wasn't so bad the 5 meetings a week, but with a family including children it was exhausting and frustrating. It was just too much.

    I would love to hear of Kingdom Halls going belly up and closing because they can't make ends meet. When the money stops coming in only then will the WTS come crashing down. These law suits on sexual abuse certainly helped take away the prosperity they have known.


  • MikeA

    buffalosrfree, you said it!

    "....in your seat ready to stand and moan...."

    I remember a time when one of the things that the JW's / WT talked about regularly was all of the "meaningless" rites and rituals of the catholic church and how the congregation just "went thru the motions."

    The funny thing is that I have attended several catholic services, because my daughter is catholic by her own choice and will, and found them to be anything but "empty" rites and rituals. Those people really are "into it" and they feel it brings them closer to their god. Sheesh, what more could one ask?

    But then, you never heard a word about the JW rites and rituals, because they don't think they have any...... what a joke. Every part of the service is "static"....... I think, if I am not mistaken, that is the very meaning of "ritual," no?

  • Jringe01

    This may be kind of morbid but I always looked forward to those parts because they had a habit of livening up things for a while and getting people talking...and talk they did!

    A few were good, left you with a nice feeling, most were dull, drab usual routine syuff (as quoted above) but then others were scary because they were more direct than usual. Those were the ones that got tongues wagging and cast a shadow over everyone. Anything to aleviate the boredom.

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