WHITE DOVE- I'll second that motion ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
My thoughts on JW pedophiles
by TooBad TooSad 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Bottom line is the WTS is in hot water, and I hope and pray that more of this comes out, I hope that this will encourage more victims to speak up. And they get legal permission to go into the tower and get those names. This will never stop otherwise, they have to be exposed. I hope it is not over until they are fully exposed for their neglegance in protecting innocent children because of their sick policies.
When this scandal broke -- what's it been, five years or so? -- I knew the WTS would be spared a lot of coverage because that's what they've always done. The culture of secrecy pervades the Watchtower. This culture has produced both the shielding of pedophiles and the environment in which molestation occurs. All the WTS had to do was wait it out, and it would fall by the wayside. The incredible Teflon religion. And that sort of sums up my feeling as an ex-JW child: Whatever culpability you and I know the Watchtower bears, they'll squiggle out of it, just by being silent. It's very discouraging. But as any apostate will tell you, it's the norm. The gag order from the legal settlement was sad. Victims of this type need more than anything to talk about it. The legal agreement let the Watchtower off the hook, and might have prevented some people from effectively going through their process of healing.
Something felt different about the NBC report, though. Now I'm hoping the rage gets public. The question is, how do we not let this be forgotten? How forceful do we get so that this never gets swept under the rug, like before? That's my main issue. Is it just the way of life that the WTS, as a monolithic institution, is able to withstand the challenges of individuals just because they're bigger, and there's nothing we can do about it?
I've felt hopeless that the WTS will ever suffer from the exposure, and it's clear they need to. So what do we do to maintain this momentum?
Seriously -- we're one Oprah episode away from blowing this wide open. How do we make it happen? How does the world get affected and take note of how the WTS really operates? How can we push it out there so that everyone will know in no uncertain terms?
That's what we have to think about. And I do, every day. How do we finally get the WTS to explain who they are, why they do what they do, and exactly what good is supposed to come from it?
One of the things I find noteworthy in this affair, is that the Society is trying to tell us that child abuse in their organisation is as rare as rocking horse sh*t, and yet they have specialised stationery in the form of "telememos" to deal with the reporting of it.
The whole thing just makes me sick to realize that I have given most of my life to a religion that is worst than Christendom and that does not have God's blessing any more than a ground hog does
Well said , It is their "Holier than thou" attitude that grates so much ..At least we can see that it it has no Holy Spirit..6,500,000 of them cannot face that reality . I am constantly berated for leaving "The truth"..
Regarding child abuse, I think it tells us something that when such a serious event happens in the congregation, the elders have to contact - not the experienced 'shepherds' for advice on counselling the victims or how to interrogate the accused to get at the truth.?....No, they have to contact the Legal Desk for advice on the legal situation and to avoid a law suit against them ...That is evidently their priority .
What bothers Skeeter.....
Watchtower's news release said "that the Society was happy to see these victims get paid..."
So, is this why the Watchtower filed appeal, paperwork, and did everything in its power to stop the plaintiffs from winning? The WT even went to the California Supreme Court for crying out loud. It's not as if the victims filed a suit, and the WT paid.....the WT paid only as a last resort after they lost all of their pre-trial appeals. It was at the point of going to trial....that WT settled.
"Only 9 lawsuits in 100+ years.."
But, pedophile lawsuits are brand new legal concept. 100 years ago you could not sue a charity or a church for anything. Pointing to 100 years is irrelevant. There have been alot of sexual abuse...I know of two (2) pedophiles in the two (2) KH I ever attended. And, I'm just little old Skeeter.
"Sued the elders..."
No...this was a suit against the WATCHTOWER. It was about Bethel's coverup & role in this matter. It was the WATCHTOWER that paid out..
"We report pedophiles..."
From a phonebook. Child Services is flooded with millions of calls a year. A good number of these calls are not legitimate. People getting divorced, business partners, etc. all place harrassing phone calls into Child Protection Agencies. The Child Protection Agency has to decide which are scams & which are legitimate. Imagine if you got an anonymous caller, who would not leave a name, or how they got the information. If I was a phone operator, I'd file it in "looney call" bin.
Wasanelder Once
Skeeter, I'm sure you meant; "From a phoneboo(th). Child Services is flooded with millions of calls a year. A good number of these calls are not legitimate. People getting divorced, business partners, etc. all place harrassing phone calls into Child Protection Agencies. The Child Protection Agency has to decide which are scams & which are legitimate. Imagine if you got an anonymous caller, who would not leave a name, or how they got the information. If I was a phone operator, I'd file it in "looney call" bin." Though I don't agree with using a phonebooth because its purposely meant to hide the seriousness of the WT involvement, any call reporting abuse is taken seriously, that's why the false accusations (from vengeful divorced mates etc.) can be so damaging. At least someone said something. Not supporting, just saying. It's still chickenshit if you ask me. W.Once
They are all a bunch of old filthy farts that want to keep this delusion of an organization suppose to be ordained by Christ.
Jesus would have nothing to do with them.
It's the protect jehovah's name bit that really gets to me.
Seems more like they are bringing reproach on it than the other way round.
And then their followers get on htis site and defend these bastards! I almost lost it yesterday when that asshole defended the WT.. I'm sick of these fools...