I just found this board.
What is the purpose of this board?
by abcde 10 Replies latest jw friends
The banner says it all: Online meeting area for brothers and sisters.
Ive read a few posts,and theyre negative towards witnesses.
What is the ratio in percentage of positive/negative comments towards witnesses here??
2543.0125% against
54654.003241% marginaltrack error of 0.15%
There is a full range of opinions regarding the Watchtower Society from positive to negative. Those who are positive about the Watchtower don't stay very long in most cases, so that leaves the board to the negatives.
Jehovahs Witnesses are free to come here and defend their beliefs if they choose. They should expect to be met with disagreements from some on some of their issues. Most choose not to defend their beliefs in this format.
Glad to meet you! You asked what is the purpose of this board. I can't speak for the owner of the site, but I'll tell you what I've found.
This is a place where Jehovah's Witnesses can be completely frank and honest about their feelings, doubts, opinions, etc., without censorship or reprisals as might happen at the Kingdom Hall.
That's why you may find some negativity. For instance, if I have a doubt about the WT teaching on evolution (which I have), I could NEVER express that in a group from the Kingdom Hall or out in service or privately to friends.
But here, we can have freedom to air our deepest feelings about all these kinds of things.
I hope you find this useful.
Pat -
This is mainly an ex-JW website (ratio of ex to inactive JW probably 20:1)(ratio of ex to active JW probably 30:1). (Not mathematically correct; just my guess).
Most posters are here to expose the negative things the Society has done, to gain support from other ex-JWs, and to assist currently unhappy JWs who want to leave the organization.
A small number of JWs post here. They usually do not post long, as they soon realize they are far outnumbered by ex-JWs and any opinion that sounds pro-JW precipitates an onslaught of personal attacks by some. That's why I rarely post.
I know of only two constant posters who claim to be active, pro-JWs: "Fred Hall" and "You Know". However, I've read numerous posts by them, and neither sounds much like a JW. Particularly Fred.
If you are a current JW with doubts, questions, or seeking information, be prepared for a great deal of negative JW information. Some of it is true and referenced; some is exaggerated or false.
If you want to avoid attacks or being pulled into fruitless arguments, look for those who can respond to your posts in a reasonable, nonattacking way (ones like Seeker, Larc, and Prisca come to mind).
If you are an ex-JW or unhappy current JW, you will probably receive a warm welcome, though even ex-JWs sometimes attack one another vehemently.
There's some truthful info here, but the atmosphere is harsh, driving many sensitive, peace-loving people away.
Just my 2 cents worth.
This website is for the battle against kitty porn
abc, it's easy as 1-2-3....the vast majority of posts here are negative toward the Witnesses.
For something positive that I wrote, I would like you to take a look at my thread, "How the JWs helped me."
I think your attempts to be clever were totally inappropriate. To bring up the word "porn" to someone who is brand new here is not the way to help them. Why don't you contribute something of substance rather than act cute.
For the newbie,
My comment to bboy is a good example of how direct we are with each other. We don't use much tact here, and this may be a cultural shock for you.