i found a pice of sublimnal art as a dubbie i'm shocked!

by XOCO 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    I think there's a difference between deliberate subliminal messages in art work and what we see in nature, clouds etc. The hand with the baby seems deliberate but it also could be a coincidence.

    The cloud picture: I do have a vivid imagination and I can see what could look like a young boy but only because you say so. What I also see is a very large foot, pig's nostrils, a cute dog with white hair and black eyes or is it some white bird landing with wings spread. I even see a Koala bear but this is just my imagination. I know these aren't signs. You look hard enough you will find something.

    I don't think the 2nd Jesus would spend time on a discussion board talking only to x-witnesses.

  • JCanon
    I don't think the 2nd Jesus would spend time on a discussion board talking only to x-witnesses.

    I could understand that, generally, but the Bible would seem to indicate otherwise. When Christ arrives he is said to "strike the nations with the long sword of his mouth." I think that could generally mean that he would have a sharp message for the world, his sharp sword likewise cutting through the false teachings. But had you really thought about EXACTLY how that would happen when Christ arrives?

    We have a hint at Luke 13:26:

    25 when once the householder has got up and locked the door, and YOU start to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Sir, open to us.’ But in answer he will say to YOU , ‘I do not know where YOU are from.’ 26 Then YOU will start saying, ‘We ate and drank in front of you, and you taught in our broad ways. 27 But he will speak and say to YOU , ‘I do not know where YOU are from. Get away from me, all YOU workers of unrighteousness!’

    Therefore, it would seem, at some point the messiah would indeed know personally and teach in the "broad ways" of apparently some who only accept him after the door to the kingdom is closed, meaning they rejected his original teaching perhaps, until the "great tribulation" starts and then suddenly they want in. But in what setting would Christ be able to teach like this. What are the "our broad ways" a reference to. If we link this up to Revelation which indicates Christ indeed would be preaching to the nations with the long sword of his mouth, then it would seem he would, indeed, be teaching in some public forum of some sort. In the modern age that is quite possilbe via the internet in Biblical discussion groups, including a focus on JW discussion groups since JWs are part of the special "temple" slave class in the Bible. That is how this is fulfilled. This is how Christ strikes the nations with his teachings that condemn their lies and inaccuracies -- through the internet discussion boards which become the fulfillment of their "broad ways" where Jesus teaches. So definitely Jesus would know and teach XJWs, in particular, who would generally reject him until the great tribulation begins, and then try to play the "I knew you when" friendship card to try and get into the kingdom, at which point Christ pretends he doesn't know them.


  • JCanon
    I think there's a difference between deliberate subliminal messages in art work and what we see in nature, clouds etc. The hand with the baby seems deliberate but it also could be a coincidence.

    I agree on this point. In this case, the face is not "subliminal" at all, there is on question there is a face in a hand that doesn't belong there. Maybe the flying figure next to it might be considered "cryptic" and semi-subliminal, but the fact that if this is a reference to the sleeping prodigal son image the anointed see then one would expect the bird figure to accompany the face in some way. The test would be whether or not that cryptic flying bird has an understandable alternative purpose in the picture in general; that is, was it necessary for some other reason and just coincidentally looks like a bird? I don't think so.

    The "subliminal" part is that the face is connected to the messiah by being in his hand. What does a sleeping black child's face next to a bird have to do with the messiah, and particularly while handing John the scroll? This is a chronological event. In the end times, the seals of the scroll are broken by the messiah at the second coming. Thus the entire "subliminal" message would be that the sleeping black child is the messiah who reveals the hidden secrets of the scroll, etc.

    The cloud picture: I do have a vivid imagination and I can see what could look like a young boy but only because you say so. What I also see is a very large foot, pig's nostrils, a cute dog with white hair and black eyes or is it some white bird landing with wings spread. I even see a Koala bear but this is just my imagination. I know these aren't signs. You look hard enough you will find something.

    YES, absolutely. I can pick out and make up all kinds of other images as well. But the key thing is whether or not there is a sleeping black face or not? In this case, I see two eyes, bulbous in nature compared to the face, clearly a child's face, whose eyes are closed and wit a cute little nose and a rather distinctive childlike mouth. I suppose lots of infants have a mouth like this as a child but...

    So this starts to add up and the "coincidences" a little too many. The child's face could have had only one eye instead of two. It would have been depicted with white clouds instead of black clouds. The eyes could have been open, not closed. Plus there is a bird in the imagery. A second image, which relates directly to the second coming, representing holy spirit coming down out of heaven. The bird is in silhouette and with wings spread showing it is descending. So it's not just a bird on a wire or phone pole or a birds head, this is a bird doing something specific. Also, there is a river of fire up from which a body rises. That is specific to the refrence of Zech 3 where it says Jerusalem is like a log snatched out of the fire. The Jews are also the "messiah" of the world since through them comes salvation. They are also like the prodigal son because they left God's covenant and were abandoned. But following the severe blow of the HOLOCAUST where two-thirds of their numbers were exterminated, God restored their position and restored them to their homeland. Thus they were like a "log snatched out of the fire" just like the prodigal son. This is specific as well since the Bible says, "unless the days were cut short NO FLESH WOULD BE SAVED", which is a reference to the potential of WWII destroying all the Jews if the Germans won the war. So you have three images, all interrelated and specific to the second coming. This goes beyond randomness. This is the "sign of the son of man." The duplication of this imagery in the Revelation book proves it is seen by other anointed ones who understand its significant relationship to the messiah at the second coming. That is, this face is not in some bush growing in the yard of someone we see being witnessed to -- just a face where it doesn't belong not connected to anything in particular. Instead this is specifically in the hand of Jesus. And why is this face also black and also "sleeping"/dead? Also with a bird nearby? Too many details here for this to be written off as a "coincidence." This picture PROVES someone at WTS headquarters, that is Fred Franz knew about the belief of some anointed ones that the messiah would appear in the flesh as the black gay prodigal son. As further proof you have this additional not-so-sublminal artwork, cleverly referencing Revelation where it says the messiah would be "Impaled in SODOM"... meaning his homosexuality is what causes him to undergo a spiritual death.

    Therefore, with the WTS, you have another issue to deal with. The face in the hand is not the only indication that the WTS understood that some were interpreting that Jesus was gay at the second coming. A "dog" in the Bible is a reference to homosexuals who use male prostitutes dressed as women. Paul was gay as well and his weakness is called his "thorn in his side". So the very clevery WTS came up with showing Jesus IMPALED on a cross with a dog in his side, representing homosexuality as the thorn in his side. It's not that hard to figure out. But it proves they certainly read between the Biblical lines too and understood the possibility of Christ arriving in the flesh in the body of a gay JW. So this has to be COMBINED with the other messiah-related artwork. This impaled messiah represents the dead prodigal son impaled by his homosexuality. Lazarus' sores that keep him out of the Rich Man's estate, represents the disfellowshipped messiah, and his sores being licked by dogs, shows his weakness for men who like cross-dressers, thus the love for those men and his homosexuality is what impales him, kills him spiritually, causes him to leave the truth even though he loves Bible knowledge. The Writing Committee, which analyzes every single verse in the Bible and implies all kinds of interpretations and how it applies to the WTS specifically would not have missed this. It's too obvious Lazarus in the bosom position of the father is linked to the messiah. In fact, THEY claim Lazarus represents the WTS and the Rich Man represents Christendom. But since they don't want the followers to even THINK about the possibility of Christ returning in the flesh, and certainly not someone who likes "dogs" (bisexual men), they put this type of stuff in their "subliminal" art as they monitor for this possibly coming true, especially since they have anointed members contacting them about seeing this "sign of the son of man" in the form of the sleeping black child. So the WTS has a public communication system, and they hide certain things quite conveniently in their artwork, things they don't dare mention or articulate with words, but are concerning issues, nonetheless.

    So anybody can look away from all this. It's all quite "interpretive". But for the anointed and the Writing Comittee who clearly understand the potentiality of the second coming being in the flesh and them being wrong about it, it is clear what these images relate to. You have to consider this from MY POSITION. Someone of the anointed who thinks the "sign of the son of man" is a sleeping black child accompanied by a bird and that the messiah as Lazarus would be "impaled" by his homosexuality, represented by the love of "dogs" in the scripture and that the WTS is totally unaware of these concepts and that the two separate pieces of artwork with the "subliminal" images have absolutely nothing to do with Christ returning as a black gay male. It's just TOTAL COINCIDENCE. Like Russell being buried next to a Freemasonry seeing-eye pyramid, as if the headstone factory just happened to have run out of any large headstones and the only one they had left and available on discount was the seeing eye pyramid so the WTS was forced to use it to mark Russell's grave, not knowing it was a secret symbol of the Freemasons? I don't think so.

    The lying, evil-slave WTS Freemasons don't fool us. We can tell what they are up to when it's this obvious.


  • jgnat

    XOCO, if you want to give your study conductor a run for his money, pick something other than "subliminal images". What I find interesting is that they boast of these early "trumpetlike" signs, yet they only provide vague references to their own history. Might they be embarrassed over Rutherford's rhetoric?

    You might cause a stir by bringing a copy of the original "Bible Students Monthly"


    or ask why the Society is no longer on the radio?


  • oompa

    I see a vagina and nice ass....oompa

  • Guest with Questions
  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    JCanon: Titus 3:9: But avoid foolish controversies and geneologies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable.

    John 10:30 I and the Father are one. John 9:58 ..before Abraham was born, I am.

    Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

    Matt 24:24-30 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive .....So if anyone tells you There he is, out in the desert, do not go out, or believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.......at that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power............

    I do think JCanon you are suffering with delusions or you could be evil. I do think it's the former. If Christ had been black, I would not have had a problem with it, but the fact is, as a Son of Man he was Jewish. Jesus Christ, the Lamb was without blemish and for you to insinuate that He was homosexual is blasphemy. I believe that the same Man that died and rose again will someday come back. It is not for us to know the time as long as we are always prepared by doing God's will and I believe that foremost it is to love God with all our hearts and love mankind as Jesus had said at his first coming.

    One can interpret anything the way one wants. The first picture you interpret as Christ (yourself) in the hand. I could interpret it as the Anti-Christ. What does the gesture of the hand signify? I could intrepret that the large foot to the right could be Jesus ready to stamp out this Anti-Christ.

  • XOCO

    OMG i've created this monster thread here. i was not expecting it to get out of hand like this. i'm a little creeped out by this JCannon guy he sounds interesting and insightful but very creepy, maybe subliminal images must get u off i mean interest u lol!

    and by the way i still don't see the bird in the cloud or dog vagina or whatever is suppose to be there

    XOCO (always causin' ah riot)

  • 4digitcode

    this was a really weird thread....i think i need a break from JWD.

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions
    this was a really weird thread....

    I agree. I have nothing better to do today because I still can't do anything physically strenuous. But I find it interesting how someone can imagine something and intrepret it as something that is about himself. We could all do that if we wanted.

    JCanon I found this link of yours in search regarding the prodigal son.


    Fact of the matter is, the prodigal son sort of gets drafted into being the messiah. It's his older brother who really has the ego and is complaining like you are about why someone has something special when they think they deserve it more. They don't like feeling left out and that's understandable. But the prodigal son wanted to come back, not to get his former place as a son and heir with his brother, but just to be one of the hird help! He has not great aspirations at all but to make up for his past sins. So getting this banquet and becoming the messiah is a surprise and sort of a shock. You know, the progidal son comes back with hat in hand saying, "Oh! Just let me back in. I'll do ANYTHING. I'll wash toilets, I'll wait on everybody else night and day. I'll even do windows! Just let me back in. I'm a dead man out here in the cold and darkness!" He was sincere. He had given up his life already. He didn't deserve to come back. But God thought: "Hmmm, he's motivated!"

    To show how ludicrous your theory is I will use Rembrant who later changed his name to Rembrandt. What does the letter "d" signify? Could it mean something special to Rembrant; that he used a term which today means "general military term for the day on which an operation or exercise is planned to commence". (you know, the battle of Armegeddon when the Son does battle with the wicked one) Rembrandt painted may religious scenes and depicted himself in some of the roles. Could he have been the 2nd Messiah. (as JW's and you seem to suggest that there are 3 comings)

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