Voting is compulsary in Oz, you get fined if you don't unless you have a valid reason. JW's will get a form in a few months time, they send it back stating they are "no part of this world", they don't have to pay the fine.
Me and Wife voted for the first time today!!!! And he won?? Praise Jah??
by Witness 007 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Robert K Stock
Congratulations on voting. The first time I voted it was for the purpose of disassociating myself from the organization. It was 1984 and I voted for Walter Mondale for US President and Geraldene Ferraro for Vice-President. (People who say the US is not ready for a woman president do not know what they are talking about)
The Elders came to my door and asked if I could write a letter disassociating myself. I asked if my voting wasn't enough because I will not give the Watchtower anything in writing. They said I was correct and left. I was reinstated a year later and tried to be a good Witness for the next five years.
I have never missed an election since 1990 when I finally realized the Watchtower was not the truth and left for good.
Vernon Williams
Congrads....I first voted in 04.....
Wishing you continued progress,
I thought voting was a disfellowshipping offense back in the 1970's and 1980's, up until that WT article came along in 1999.
Do you perhaps have a quote on that? I'm re-uploading a bunch of files, and don't currently have access to what you mention.
No, I dont have a quote from that watchtower, but it was in 1999 I believe. The article was worded in such a way that outsiders would take it to mean that voting was a conscience issue, when most JW's on the inside would not take it that way.
As for being a disfellowshipping offense, I always thought it was, and then after 1999 it became an automatic dissasociation.