Me and Wife voted for the first time today!!!! And he won?? Praise Jah??

by Witness 007 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brinjen

    Voting is compulsary in Oz, you get fined if you don't unless you have a valid reason. JW's will get a form in a few months time, they send it back stating they are "no part of this world", they don't have to pay the fine.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    Congratulations on voting. The first time I voted it was for the purpose of disassociating myself from the organization. It was 1984 and I voted for Walter Mondale for US President and Geraldene Ferraro for Vice-President. (People who say the US is not ready for a woman president do not know what they are talking about)

    The Elders came to my door and asked if I could write a letter disassociating myself. I asked if my voting wasn't enough because I will not give the Watchtower anything in writing. They said I was correct and left. I was reinstated a year later and tried to be a good Witness for the next five years.

    I have never missed an election since 1990 when I finally realized the Watchtower was not the truth and left for good.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Congrads....I first voted in 04.....

    Wishing you continued progress,


  • onacruse


    I thought voting was a disfellowshipping offense back in the 1970's and 1980's, up until that WT article came along in 1999.

    Do you perhaps have a quote on that? I'm re-uploading a bunch of files, and don't currently have access to what you mention.

  • Junction-Guy

    No, I dont have a quote from that watchtower, but it was in 1999 I believe. The article was worded in such a way that outsiders would take it to mean that voting was a conscience issue, when most JW's on the inside would not take it that way.

    As for being a disfellowshipping offense, I always thought it was, and then after 1999 it became an automatic dissasociation.

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