What other religions etc. do you have?

by abcde 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit


    If you are drinking something, and someone comes along and points out to you reasons why what you are drinking is poisonous, do you begin berating them because they do not offer you something else to drink instead?

    Of course not. As a responsible adult, you consider what they have to say, and if you find it to be correct, you stop drinking that particular drink. But as an adult, you recognise that it is still your responsibility to find something else to drink, if you remain thirsty.

    Similarly, if someone points out to you reasons why your current religion is harmful, as a responsible adult you consider these reasons, and if you find them to be correct, obviously you leave that religion. But it remains your responsibility to find another religion, should you desire that aspect of life.

    In short, stand on your own two feet and stop expecting others to provide for your religious wants.


  • YoYoMama

    read the Bible.

  • muslima

    for a different perspective you can check out: www.submission.org

    although for the record I do not advocate "organized religion" --

    it seems as though as soon as a "name" is slapped on a group -- there are problems!

    just my 2 cents worth

  • gumby

    I was wondering about your comment that Jesus created the ONE ORGANIZATION idea.
    That would indicate that before he came to earth and established this idea......then that idea was not known before.
    Did abraham,moses,david,and all the rest feel that if people wanted God's blessing...then they had better get all their instruction on how to love God from these guy's?
    What if you lived in another part of the earth and you couldn't hook up with these channels back then?
    Were there not people all over the earth that could choose to worship God apart from all these 'CHANNELS'
    I would appreciate some references.
    The true organization you talk of is true christianity that is all over the world.There is no particular group, recognized by some name and a particular set of beliefs.
    Do you think if armaggedon came tomarrow, that all the people that have never heard of a Jehovah's witness on this earth will be exterminated?
    If you do not......then after armaggedon, there will be many many more non witnesses than witnesses...muslims,hindu,etc.
    Does the society teach that this is how it will be after armaggedon? Or an earth cleansed of ALL haters of Jehovah and only witnesses remaining?
    Please let me know. E-mail me if you do not want this on this thread.

  • Dan B
    Dan B

    Hi yoyo,

    You wrote:

    "No, it is the creation of Jesus Christ."

    If you are referring to basic Christianity, I'd have to disagree. Isn't it the creation of Jehovah, through Jesus? If you are referring to actual religious organizations, I'd have to disagree again.

    You also wrote:

    "read the Bible."

    I have read it from cover to cover a couple of times. I must have missed the scriptures you are referring to. I'd appreciate it if you could list them so I could look them up.

    I'll be waiting...


  • idaho

    Basically I am a christian, without the religion...

    But lately my religion has been golf, and the way I play
    there has to a God, because the merciless...

    Next after the existencial questions, golf is a good number
    two, it's mysteries are fantomless.


  • 4horsemen

    abcde wrote, "If Jehovahs Witnesses have problems,then is there anything better you have too offer?"

    Why not start with reality?

    Do you believe in Jesus? If you believe the story, he died(as a man) and wont be coming back in that fashion. Now, if verily the Son of God experienced death, what makes you think you wont?

    One thing I notice about JW's is their fascination they have not with life but with death. They fear it, but dont think it's something they'll have to ever experience. So their "living" is always postponed to take place in the "New Order" where of course they will live in a house much bigger than the one they have at present which, naturally, has an ocean view.

    Hmm, maybe part of your assignment in making the Earth a paradise will be to fix up Death Valley. Could be you'll have to eat beans and rice. Every day. Ever thought about that?

    Denial of the reality of death (via resurrection, surviving the GT etc)conveniently allows you to shirk LIFE responsibility. Education, careers, insurance, old age, housing, family issues. This is reality, this is real life. Then when 1879, 1914, 1975, 1980, "this generation", etc prophecies come and go you can blame as my grandfather does "this system of things" for his failed life.

    Why do you need a religion to know God? Or a holy book? How did Adam know God? Lot? Moses? Job? Noah?

    When you allow a book, even one you deem worthy like the Bible, or Koran, or any other replace your own thinking, whose life are you really living? Remember that, because when death comes for you, as it most certainly will, it must be terrible to wonder if everthing you believed not because you personally experienced it but were told may be wrong.

    There is no normal life. No JW life, no "wordly" life. There's just life. Live it while you can.

    "Are you afraid to die Spartacus?" 'No more than I was to be born" -quote from same movie.

  • gumby

    4horsewoman:you said"Why do you need a religion to know God? Or a holy book? How did Adam know God? Lot? Moses? Job? Noah?
    God talked to Lot, Moses, job, and Noah
    How would we have any knowledge of God or his plan of redemption since he dosen't talk audibally anymore....were it not for THE BIBLE or holy book as you say?

  • Dan B
    Dan B

    Hey yoyo,

    It's been a couple of hours. Have you found those scriptures where Jesus clearly and conclusively stated that he would have an organized religion? Not yet? Keep looking, I'm sure it's there somewhere.


  • 4horsemen

    Gumby: Some questions for you to answer by looking within...

    -When/if you pray to God, how do you "know" he hears you?

    -Who was it that "spoke" to Muhammed? A demon? Result of mental illness? In the same vein how do you know that God doesnt "speak" with anyone today or that he spoke with Moses et al then?

    -If the Jews of Jesus day rejected him, the Jews of today are still waiting for him, Judaism has no value as a religion and is not worth of consideration because a "voice" in your bible said he was its son and to listen to him?

    -Is Gods name as important as Gods plan of redemption? How do you know Jehovah is the correct form of the name? Vowel points and scholars aside there is no record of the divine name in its totality in any text. A important piece of information, dont you think?

    Hopefully the basis of our faith is more than that kids song, "God loves me, this I know, because the Bible tells me so"

    Which was exactly my point. Read the Bible, read the Koran, read the Bhagavad-Gita, BUT your relationship with God, the All knowing IS, the Great spirit, whatever, should probably be based on personal experience. If these books can help you, fine. But what will you do when they fail?

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