My parents and sister came to visit for a few days before Thanksgiving (they left the day of) so I decided to cook the turkey dinner the day before turkey day. I had the greens in the crockpot and the dressing was already made when I started the bird, it was a small one (about 12 pounds) so it wasn't going to take long to roast. I was doing my favorite Martha Stewart white wine and butter turkey and had just got it going when my sister declared that she wanted to step out for a short while to go to her fav gallery shop in my town. Since everything was almost done and Mom said she would watch the bird I decided to go with. We were only gone an hour. When we got back we stepped into a smokey house. Mom with her infinate wisdom decided to disregard my instructions about the bird (hubby told me later that Mom and Dad were laughing about my Martha turkey), didn't baste it at the required time and decided to transfer the bird to another roasting pan. Needless to say my turkey didn't come out as moist as my other Martha turkeys have. Hubby said never to let Mother touch another bird in his house, I totally agree.
But all in all we had a nice visit.