I just left 10 copies in laundromats today
just fyi
by DaCheech 13 Replies latest jw friends
I just left 10 copies in laundromats today
just fyi
I want to open one up myself..... just like the picture.
Mine would also have all the childrens stuff Chuck-e-cheese and McD's has!!!!
Sounds good.. a bit like Starbucks with washing machines
DaCheech, how did you get 10 copies. I was told by a local jw that there would only be one copy per publisher provided and perhaps a few extras for bible students and minor children.
I'm a MS, and I dipped my hand in the candy bowl
In my congregation, the service overseer requested the magazine servant to order 20 extra copies to have on hand.
I was informed that these study edition magazines would be available for all visitors (i.e. unbelieving spouses) and Bible studies who elect to attend the meetings. This will also include children who are capable of comprehending the material even though they aren't unbaptized publishers yet.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
Please send me some copys. So I can attach some links to anti jw sites to them and then I will send them to those credit card companys that provide me with a postage paid return envelope.
I wonder what makes them so darned special.
This will also include children who are capable of comprehending the material even though they aren't unbaptized publishers yet
So are they saying that becoming a publisher means one automatically understands the material? How laughable! Heck, not even the WT writers understand their own writing in the litter-ature!!!