To all interested in the UN/WTBTS threads:

by LoneWolf 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • LoneWolf

    Hi, All,

    There is a tremendous amount of information on those UN/WTBTS threads, so if someone has already covered this, I apologize.

    Away back on page 16 of the first thread, MacHislopp posted something thats been nagging at me. He quoted an article in The Guardian mentioning the top 25 recipients of foreign funds in India. One paragraph included the WTBTS. It read:

    "The other such organisations included in the list are: the Tamil
    Nadu-based World Vision of India (Rs 35,15,39000), the Missionaries of
    Charity of West Bengal (Rs 17,28,45000), the Watch Tower Bible Tract
    Society of India of Maharashtra (Rs 14,60,90000) and the Kerala-based
    Gospel for Asia (Rs 14,44,26000)."

    Not being familiar with the Indian monetary notation, I was wondering just how much money that was. Here, if my figures are correct, is what I found out.

    The amount given above that the WTBTS received is Rs 14,60,90000. I discovered that in India, 100,000 rupees = 1 lakh, and 100 lakhs = 1 crore. This would explain the odd placement of the commas.

    Now, today's paper says the the exchange rate for one rupee is .0208 dollar. Now, taking that figure and multiplying that by 146,090,000, we come up with the interesting figure of $3,038,672. That's a fairly decent piece of pocket change.

    I'm thinking that it may be interesting to contact the reporter, one Srinand Jha, who wrote this story, and double check some items: 1. Were these funds indeed from the UN and if not, then where? 2. What were they used for? 3. Was that sum for one year only, or was it the total amount received from the UN to the date of the article? 4. Is there a paper trail?

    The answers could be fascinating. Could it be that the UN actually PAID the WTBTS to accept the library card seeing as how they are so holy? LOL.

    Alias: Tom Howell

  • Kent

    Hi Tom;

    As in everything else in the world - follow the money. It's a good journalistic rule - and if the Watchtower is into something, be assured there is money in it ine one end or the other.

    Being accepted as a NGO has been used to get access to different forums, like the Helsinki Committee and others. This, in the next stage, makes it more easy to be acnowledged as a "Church" - which gives them enormous economical advantages. One year without that cost them 50 million dollars in France, remember!

    So, this case should be investigated more. The story you mentioned was posted on the Watchtower Observer as well, and when we know the Watchtower is closing down congregations because they can't pay enough - they don't get "free" lit(t)erature, aso, it's a damned good reason for writing the journalist.

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • mustang

    Somebody should get something on this. As they say, 'follow the money'. This seems to be a 'matter of public record'. Some financial report will put an end to that 'library card' nonsense.
    A library card with a 3,000,000$ door-prize? I don't think so.

    It wouldn't even matter if WTS can explain it away as some 'rogue' activity by the Indians: 'just imperfect men' gibberish. The question there is what about 'spirit-directed' guidance??? This
    was done at a director or 'officer' of the corporation level. That's 'upper management' level activity. Some brother that needed to borrow a book for the Writing Department didn't just go sign WTS up & get 3,000,000$!!!

    If the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, and it is blamed on men, then you can't have 'spirit-directed' guidance. If you have 'spirit-directed' guidance, then how did this impropriety happen?


    Oh, I forgot: you'll think what we tell you to think, WTS speaking.

    Of the 'it doesn't make sense in anybody's book' class

  • YoYoMama

    This UN thing has been a huge scandal, I've seen it on the news, radio, newspaper, NOT! No big whoop! lol...

  • Seeker
    This UN thing has been a huge scandal, I've seen it on the news, radio, newspaper, NOT! No big whoop! lol...

    What a fascinating concept. So it's OK for the WTS to get into bed with the Beast, then scurry away when they get caught, just as long as you miss the newspaper articles about it afterward. Only if worldly reporters talk about it will it be something you will be concerned about. That's a good way to go through life. It works for ostriches.


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