An article on my book signing in December

by Bryan 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bryan

    Recent Tri-City transplant to sign memoir

    Published Friday, November 23rd, 2007

    By Sara Schilling, Herald staff writer

    Bryan Lee McGlothin has a lot to be thankful for these days.

    The 43-year-old Richland man is married with a 2-year-old son. And he's been reunited with his mother after more than three decades of wondering, hoping and searching.

    He'll sign copies of the book he wrote about his ordeal, Have You Seen My Mother, next month in Kennewick.

    McGlothin was born in Oklahoma and recently moved to the Tri-Cities from Louisiana.

    His wife, Evelyne Tharet, works for Bechtel. They have a son, Sebastien.

    McGlothin was about his boy's age when he says his father abducted him from his mother. His parents were separated at the time.

    McGlothin grew up with his father and stepmother but always wondered what happened to his biological mom, he said.

    As an adult, he used a private investigator to track her down.

    "I just never gave up. It took a lot of years, but I finally found her in 1997," he said.

    McGlothin now regularly visits his mom at her Oklahoma home. He learned that she had searched for him too.

    He's no longer in touch with his father, a Jehovah's Witness, he said. The book is critical of his father's religion.

    McGlothin, a member of the Screen Actors Guild, first told the story of his childhood in a play.

    His book was published in 2005 and McGlothin was promoting it around the time Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. McGlothin and his wife were living near the city and had to evacuate to Houston for several months.

    But he kept working because he wants his book to raise awareness of the issue of parental abduction. He also feels it brings some justice to his mother.

    "I just wanted to get my story out," he said.

    McGlothin's book signing is from 4 to 6 p.m. Dec. 15 at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at the Columbia Center mall.

  • momzcrazy

    Congratulations on your book! I must read it.



    Congratulations Bryan, I hope this gives you some closure.

  • JWdaughter

    Wow! I am happy for you!! I remember when you were considering your move, and it looks as if it is working out beautifully. I hope you are doing a signing over here on the west side of the mountains. I live near Everett, but I would travel to Seattle and beyond to see you!

    All my best to you!

  • Bryan


    Walla Walla and Spokane will be next, then I'm moving west to Portand and Seattle.



    Have You Seen My Mother

  • lazyslob

    What about the book nr.2 ? I´ve been waiting for it.

  • BFD

    Congratulations, Bryan! Your mom is very lucky to have a son like you.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sounds like an interesting book. I like autobiographies.

  • Abandoned

    Congratulations. How can those of us not from your area get a signed copy?

  • mouthy

    Congratulations, All the best !!!

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