The Bible speaks about the end of the world. Do you feel that someday GOD will intervene. The blind will see, the deaf will hear the dead wlll rise or will the Bible be shown in error.
When will THE END come?
by Fisherman 20 Replies latest jw friends
Brother Apostate
When will THE END come?
No man knows the day nor the hour, but it will come.
The Bible speaks about the end of the world. Do you feel that someday GOD will intervene. The blind will see, the deaf will hear the dead wlll rise
or will the Bible be shown in error.
BA- True believer.
When will THE END come?
Man has calculated the day and the hour. The sun will burn out.
The Bible speaks about the end of the world. Do you feel that someday GOD will intervene. The blind will see, the deaf will hear the dead wlll rise
or will the Bible be shown in error.
Nope, if it makes no testable claims, and sets no deadline. Then it can never be falsified.
Lore - True Disbeliever.
When will the end come? That is a question only answerable by God, if really exists., it sure itsn't for any org to say when where why etc., But my gut feeling is that the end will come gets here!
Some people think this is the end . meh
I'm not holding my breath.
it dosent now!..whatever is going to occur,will happen anyway,so live a good life now!..if you die w/regrets,than its your own danged fault....
I dont know. It seems like in the recorded history of man, people are born and then they die, That is their personal end. No one knows what happens after you die.
You have your depressing realist who report what they see.
And you have your optomistic fantasist who come up with all ideas about the after life some good some bad.
Next tuesday, so you should give all your money to me because God said so.
When will THE END come?
Take your age subtract it from 80 - 90 add the result to 2007.
Bumer aint it .