Hello folks. I posted one topic in the "Relationships" section of this board, but just wanted to say a few words, and introduce myself, I am Tank.
I was just curious, this is a JW board, I was expecting to find 80% of the members, or posts, to be of diehard, hardcore JW's, trying to preach there beliefs or there views, but yet, almost every thread I read has to do with someone leaving, already left, or a story of when they left, nonetheless, all the stories lead away from the JW religion. This honestly shocked me a little bit, but the more I read the more I see why.
Anyone who has read my post in Relationships knows my story, and I actually came VERY close to being sucked in to this religion. I was trying to win over the woman I fell in love with, long story short, who was a JW, and the only thing standing between me and her being together, was her religion and the fact she needed to be with a JW. I starting reading because I became curious, and she offered to send a "information request" to the Watchtower society, to send a pioneer to my door to give me more information, me, only thinking of "wow, she and her family will accept me now!!!! how hard can it be, go to one meeting a week like church, read the bible a bit everyday, and I am done" I agreed for her to send the letter. It put knots in my stomach, everyday I was thinking, what do I say when they arrive, am I doing the right thing, have I researched this enough, do I know what I am getting myself into? A month later, a buzz at my intercom in my Condo, it was them, looking for me. I stalled for about 5 seconds of silence, and then I said, no I am sorry, no one lives here by that name. They were persistent and said, are you sure, we are looking for so and so, I said no I am sorry, I think they moved away not to long ago, and that was the last I heard from them.
After reading the posts on this board, I did not realize at all, how much of a tight grip this cult has on it's members, it is absolutely incredible that just words, certain words, can empower people to enslave others in there mind games. There are thousands that are clueless, and willing to do anything for Jehovah's acceptance, I did not realize the power this cult has.
After I sent the JW's away with a false story, I contemplated going to the Kingdom Hall in my town and confessing to hiding behind the door, and apologizing to whoever took the time to come and see me and try to help me (I thought at the time it would have been help) However, I could not work up the courage. I am so glad now that I took those 5 seconds after the buzz, to think about the road that could have taken me down, judging by what I read, I saved myself a whole lot of grief.
Did anyone else know, before they got into it, or were thinking about getting into it, that they had this incredible hold on there members?
Hi all....wow
by -Tank 18 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Tank and welcome to JWD.
My parents were both pioneers when they married so I was born into it and had no chance to hide behind the door from them. It took me about 30 years to get out but the effects still linger today.
Hi Tank,
Welcome to the discussion board. I was one born with JW parents, and so it was all I knew for a while. I stayed in the organization too long as an adult, and they took far too much of my time and resources.
I'm glad you told your white lie and got out of a recruiting call from the local JW's. You saved yourself having to listen to dozens of their lies. And as far as apologizing, believe me the Watchtower Society never apologizes for anything at all.
Sorry to hear that JW woman drew you into a relationship she knew she could never fulfill (unless you decided to give your life over to the Watchtower). But at least you stopped before there was no turning back.
Hi Tank.I was born in and I had no choice as were most of the people on this board.Count your lucky stars you weren't sucked in.Not answering the door was probally one of the best decisions you could have ever made in your life.
Welcome and nice to meet you.
Hi, Tank. I'm the non-JW half of a Witness marriage. Which is one of the reasons I've been so faithful responding to your posts.
There are very few outlets for active JW's on the web. They are actively discouraged from using the internet. It's full of porn and predators, you know.
I think the real reason the internet is discouraged is that elders cannot control information, relationships, friendships, and communication on the web. Anonymity empowers. I've heard google and facebook targetted from the platform.
No, I thought this was a fine religion that offered me a chance to help others. I had no idea of the degree of misinformation and mind control.
Good Job Tank! I like so many others were born into the borg. I got out at 13 by the grace of my unbelieving father, told my mother she didn't have to force us kids to go to meetings. Got dragged back in at 25. Been out now for 2 years, my choice. Tank, seeing as how you never got sucked into this muck, you have an opportunity to take advantage of the sitution. By what you learn here, you can reason with that poor unfortunate soul that once cared so much about you that she would have made your life unbearable. Good Job young man. "
Phew, that was a close one. That's how my former BF got her husband in the controls of that religion. He wasn't a JW but she was and he loved her way too much. He's been in since '91 as far as I know. I'm glad you were able to hide from them. Hopefully, they will leave you alone now.
I was about 6 or 7 when my parents became JW's so I had been in for over 30 years. I left in 2004 without very few regrets. I don't regret leaving the religion but I do regret having to lose everyone I've known. The regrets I have is very small compared to my kids being forced to learn their ways.
Anyway, welcome!
Witness 007
Stay away from them Tank..get a hobbie....find yourself a "normal" women, not a Stepford wife.
Welcome Tank,
Enjoyed reading your story. I didn't have a Clue when I joined the Witnesses at the age of 28... after 13 years, circumstances allowed me to take a break and step back... Man, was I shocked when reality sank in... I've been out for close to 10 years now.