Why Do Atheists Get So Angry?
by serotonin_wraith 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I believe it has nothing to do with being atheist.
Some people defend their viewpoints with anger, while others prefer to get their point accross in a more quiet and less confrontational way. Be it about religion, politics, etc...
This person just happens to be a very angry atheist...just as she could also be a very angry catholic or democrat.
All that anger will kill you.
I'm angry that almost half of Americans believe in creationism.
She lost me here. I don't actually believe me the brand of creation she's raving about, but frankly its offensive that she seems to think everyone should just conform to her point of view.
Brother Apostate
Poor angry atheists. Let go of the anger:
Brother Apostate
More help for angry atheists:
All that anger will kill you.
That's OK. God's going to kill us anyway, so why not have a little rage in the meantime.
I'd say that atheists are angry because we have to live in a society that doesn't afford us the same rights to opinion and freedom to not have others beliefs pushed on us, socially and politically. It's happened in the past with other minorities and worked well for them, so we're giving it a shot.
Atheist Power!!!
Brother Apostate
Even more help for angry atheists:
She's ahead of you, BA. Click her reply at the end of the blog entry where she answers such dumb reasoning as 'Just accept Jesus and you won't be angry' and shows how anger can be a good thing under the right circumstances.
Brother Apostate
Sounds like somebody needs anger management counseling.
Atheists, just let go of the anger.
There's nothing positive about it.
BA- Helping his fellow man.