I don't know about you, but I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness during a time when there seemed to be NO access to additional reading. My family, devote Jehovah's Witnesses, discouraged reading anything BUT the Society's publications. Except for the thousands of paperback romance novels my mother has read daily for over 50 years.
I ran accross this website by Stan Milosevic, who has compiled a "theocratic library" of Jehovah's Witness friendly books that are "positive and upbuilding and pertain to our history, beliefs, and way of life." He states whether they were written by JWs or not.
Also, he apparently published a "value guide" to collecting older Watchtower publications. I do not know if it is still available, here is the link:
I thought some on JWD might be interested in this list. Also, I found it of interest that a current JW who is "one of the preimere collectors of Society produced items" was allowed to reproduce Charles T. Russell's very first book Three Worlds - Or Plan of Redemption. (was this book reproduced EXACTLY as the original as it states?)
Have any of you read any of these books? If so, do you have comments on them?