I sent a Christmas Card

by Irish Rose 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Irish Rose
    Irish Rose

    Well I finally got the nerve up to send my mother, a JW, a Christmas Card this past weekend. Now I'm thinking of sending her a birthday card in Feburary. I don't know what or if she will respond, but I don't care anymore, and I haven't in a very long time. If I do get a typical JW reaction from her, then I will send her cards for EVERY holiday.

    Cheers everyone.

  • momzcrazy

    How long have you been out? My sister and I left at the same time, but she beat me in telling her. Haven't wanted to do more damage. But I'll have to, sending Xmas cards to family.

    Welcome to JWD! I don't think I've seen you before.

    Merry Christmas!Smiley Face and Christmas Tree


  • *summer*

    Good for you, Irish Rose...

    You finally got the nerve...and also followed your heart.

    And looks like you are prepared to any eventuality.

    Good luck with your mum...keep us posted.


  • carla

    For President's Day you could find and especially patriotic card and how thankful you are for your country and its freedoms! she'd love it. Better yet, donate to a veteran cause or something in her name and let her know.

  • Irish Rose
    Irish Rose

    I have been out since 2001.

  • mouthy

    Well you can say goodby for along time now. I cannot understand .?you KNOW they think it is evil. Why would you want to make her afraid ?It will go right in the garbage
    I am so sorry to be so deadbeat. But I was one for 25yrs & know when folks did that to me I dumped em for good. I hope she is saner that I was... ( am)

  • worldtraveller

    In this case I would agree with mouthy. For 1, why waste any money on a card thats headed to the recycle bin, and why engage someone who just doesn't want to understand. It's like taking Charles Manson to a therapist. Let them make the move. I believe a personal visit would do much better if it does any good at all.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think this sword could cut from both sides. If 'mom' has little to say to you anyway, what's the hurt?

    I regret that I never was able in all my life to send my mother a holiday greeting. She died before she knew I left - but I believe that if I had done so, she would have secretly cherished the thought. Everyone is different.


  • purplesofa

    My mother and I are not very close, its not just the religion. So I do not contact her often. After a long spell of no correspondence or phone calls, I sent her a mothers day card this year with pics of myself, kids and grandkids.

    She wrote me back, saying I guess by your card you are not a JW anymore, but then went on to thank me very much for the pics and how much she appreciated them. My sis says they are displayed proudly throughout the house!!!!

    How can anyone dispel a kind, giving gesture.

    My wish is now after being in the organization for 20 years and fineally just recently got people to exclude me off their Xmas card list I could get back on!!!!!!


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Good for you, I wish you the best. PEC-----has a sister in JW, we are going to do the same thing.

    We were thinking on sending her a blank card for the Holiday. What do you think?


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